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Caitlyn Build Guide by rowzkit

ADC Caitlyn✅ One (1) Shot 💥 Headshot Build 🥀 Feels STRONG 💪 ( 25.S1.3 )

ADC Caitlyn✅ One (1) Shot 💥 Headshot Build 🥀 Feels STRONG 💪 ( 25.S1.3 )

Updated on February 6, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rowzkit Build Guide By rowzkit 70 6 215,617 Views 5 Comments
70 6 215,617 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author rowzkit Caitlyn Build Guide By rowzkit Updated on February 6, 2025
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Runes: Standard Build Runes

1 2 3
First Strike
Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
Standard Runes
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

ADC Caitlyn✅ One (1) Shot 💥 Headshot Build 🥀 Feels STRONG 💪 ( 25.S1.3 )

By rowzkit
Tips & Tricks
Things I do EVERY GAME.

There are a few important tricks that I try to utilize every single game as Caitlyn that I think are super important.

1) Allign the stacking of your headshots with the Rapid Fire Cannon:
I think this is one of the most useful tips I can give for when you need to get an enemy carry out of the fight, or to 100-0 a squishy Support/ADC/Mid laner. By using this simple tactic, you can completely remove an enemy carry from the fight without putting yourself in any danger.

2) E+Q Combo:
Using your E+Q combo to do damage while simultaneously kiting is probably the most important (and easiest) combo on Caitlyn. The damage you get from the Lethality portion of the build is incredibly high and this combo is super important to master.

NOTE: There are many unique ways to use your E+Q combo besides just ensuring a headshot and Q damage. You can cast E one way, and Q a different way. This can often fool opponents.
Laning Phase

How to lane with Caitlyn

While some players may still approach Caitlyn as a traditional lane bully, she’s increasingly found her role as a hyper-scaling ADC who excels in the mid-to-late game rather than dominating early on. Her early-game power isn't as overwhelming as it once was, so your goal in the laning phase is to manage trades smartly and focus on efficiency. To maximize her damage output, weave auto-attacks between abilities, and take advantage of Headshot procs, which occur more often when attacking from bushes. This lets you pressure the enemy and safely trade when they go for farm. Caitlyn’s Q can also be used to clear waves and poke your opponent simultaneously—try to align it with both minions and the enemy ADC to maximize its impact.

While you have superior range over most ADCs, avoid using E aggressively early on, as it’s crucial for disengaging and costs 75 mana, which can deplete your mana pool if used too frequently. Instead, rely on Headshot and Q to pressure your lane opponents, and set up W to restrict their positioning or force them to retreat.

Adapt your playstyle to different matchups for the best results. Against longer-range champions like Ziggs, Ashe, or Jhin, prioritize wave control and avoid overextending; your traps can serve as valuable defensive tools, and E should be used to quickly reposition if needed. Against shorter-range champions like Draven or Lucian, use your range to poke safely with Q and Headshot every time they go for a last hit. Caitlyn’s versatility shines when you make the most of her range, zoning, and situational awareness, letting you steadily scale into a late-game powerhouse.
Team Fighting

How to teamfight with Caitlyn

In teamfights, you do have a very large advantage over most ADC's due to the long range on your auto attacks. Be sure to use that range to your advantage by constantly autoing the enemy and spacing out their abilities and auto attacks. You have a fair amount of self-peel if used properly. It's very hard to describe EXACTLY how to use your trap/net as well due to how many situations you can find yourself in. But you should try and save your net for either A). A full combo that will ensure the death of an enemy. Or B). When you need to disengage a fight but want to save your flash. Your traps are also one of your most important abilities, as they offer a snare as well as a guaranteed headshot on your next auto to the champion who stepped on the trap. I recommend using your traps in entry points of objectives like Baron and Dragon. You can completely block off a point of entry for your team with your snaptraps alone. Another important use of your traps is on the defensive. You can pre-trap exit points that you may need to run through such as tri bush bot lane, lane entry/exit points such as red buff, as well as the entire mid lane entry point to your base.

Remember that Caitlyn’s primary role is to deal consistent damage from the backline. Positioning is one of the most important things to master not only for Caitlyn, but for League as a whole. Stay behind your frontline or near peel supports, keeping a safe distance from assasins or bruisers. Start fights with poking the enemy with auots or Q's before fully committing, and place traps strategically around chokepoints or near yourself to deter anyone who might dive in. If an enemy steps on a trap, capitalize with an empowered Headshot for significant burst damage. E to reposition and create space if you're pressured, as the slight knockback can put extra distance between you and a pursuing enemy. Save Ace your ult for isolated, low-health targets who are retreating, but avoid using it mid-fight when you could be dealing more consistent DPS through auto-attacks. Also, you can use Caitlyn's ult to poke out the enemy carries before the fight even begins.
Final Thoughts

My Honest Opinions on Improvement

I genuinely believe that the only way to improve with Caitlyn during teamfights is to commit to playing her consistently, refining your skills with each game. Caitlyn’s high attack range can make last-hitting easier, but you need to be consistent to maximize her gold income and item spikes. Spend time in practice mode if needed to get a feel for her auto-attacks, especially under turret and in high-pressure lanes. After games, review your positioning and ability usage in fights. Check if you’re maximizing your ability usage, as well as using your high range as effectively as possible. Push yourself to stay engaged in fights longer than you may typically feel comfortable with, as this will teach you your true limits. Over time, you’ll develop a better sense of where to place your traps to control the battlefield, when to use E for both engaging and disengaging, and the ideal moments to cast Q and R for maximum impact. Remember, like any skill, mastering Caitlyn’s teamfight presence requires practice and patience, and even if progress feels slow, every game contributes to your growth. So keep your head up, give it your best, and trust that with persistence, you'll see steady improvement.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rowzkit
rowzkit Caitlyn Guide
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ADC Caitlyn✅ One (1) Shot 💥 Headshot Build 🥀 Feels STRONG 💪 ( 25.S1.3 )

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