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Akshan Build Guide by shisho_kawaleraa

Akshan Guide 13.10 Broken Build

Akshan Guide 13.10 Broken Build

Updated on May 20, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shisho_kawaleraa Build Guide By shisho_kawaleraa 8 6 41,692 Views 8 Comments
8 6 41,692 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author shisho_kawaleraa Akshan Build Guide By shisho_kawaleraa Updated on May 20, 2023
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Runes: Mid/Top

1 2 3
Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Shield Bash
Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Akshan Guide 13.10 Broken Build

By shisho_kawaleraa
I made this build up, tested it in games and i can absolutely confirm it works.
Seems like RIOT did this remake to make Akshan Meta (he has always been a meta champ :D).

1.In early game poke with your Q and chunk the enemy with your passive and press the your XP closely, as soon as you get level 2 all-in (if possible) as it's one of Akshan's power-spikes.

2.If you are ahead of your opponent, you can roam to help other lanes as most of the time they will need your help :D.
When roaming just hard push the wave and use your W to move unnoticed.

3.Mid game (if you are ahead) you can search for vulnerable enemies or you can also stay in the shadows with your W and wait for the perfect moment to one-shot the enemy.
When in team fight you decide what to do - fight with your team or try to flank the enemy adc ( i dont do this because there is a lot of risk invovled, because if you kill someone and the enemy tank gets to you, you might have to burn your flash or you will die since they will just stick to you and make you unable to escape.

4.Late game is completely up to you since Akshan's late game with this build is very powerful.( most of the times i suppose it wont even get to late game :D)


(I'm taking Seething Sorrow cuz i dont see rageblade here)

So, to begin with the item explanation.

Rageblade: you take it because, you will deal on-hit magic damage, it gives you 40AP which is good because with Akshan's new Q updates it now gets 60% AP (which i believe is going to get nerfed).

You can take steelcaps or mercury if you are also feeling cheeky you can try going with sorc shoes.

Statikk or BloodThirster: You take statikk or BT depending on the enemy comp since BT gives you life steal and bonus AD. Statikk on the other hand gives you again an on-hit effect and helps with waveclear (u dont need it, its completely up to you).

Mortal: its again completely optional but since it gives Armor pen. and anti heal you can use it against bruisers that heal a lot smth like red kayn, also u get so much for just 2700 so its completely worth imo.

Go give it a try :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shisho_kawaleraa
shisho_kawaleraa Akshan Guide
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