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Alistar Build Guide by Lord Houseplant

Support Alistar Support: The Cow That Won't Die

Support Alistar Support: The Cow That Won't Die

Updated on October 12, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lord Houseplant Build Guide By Lord Houseplant 2,267 Views 0 Comments
2,267 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lord Houseplant Alistar Build Guide By Lord Houseplant Updated on October 12, 2015
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There are those who seek glory through kills, through ridiculous attack damage and ability power. We are not them. We are those who stand stoic and unmovable, selfless and strong - we are the cow. Moo.
Of all the supports I've played so far, Alistar is my personal favorite. His kit is overpowered, with two stuns (Q and W), a very solid heal, and an ultimate that can make him ridiculously hard to take down. My favorite thing is the potential of Headbutt, the W - assuming you can get the right angle on the enemy, you can send them flying in any direction of your choosing, whether it's back under the turret, into your whole team, or into a wall. One perfectly-timed, perfectly-angled W can turn a teamfight around, and so too with the Q, which is a knock-up stun. Alistar has no real exploitable weaknesses: he's a solid ton of cow that can barrel straight into the other team, knock up all the squishies, and generally cause glorious mayhem.
In short, I cow, you cow, we all cow. Moo.
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Play Style

Everyone has a different play style, so don't feel you have to completely shift around what you do in order for this guide to work for you. However, if you're a super aggressive player who mains champions like Vayne, Riven, and Zed, be prepared for some work. True - Alistar is somewhat unique in that he CAN be played aggressively, for initiating team fights and getting the edge on bot lane, who will be farming calmly when suddenly you flash in like a maniac, knock them both up, and shoot the Ashe who's barely had time to blink in surprise under the turret, where she promptly loses most of her health and (hopefully) is killed by your attentive ADC. All this, you can do. However, be sure to remember that you're not the one who should be going after the kills: yes you potentially have the ability (especially if you build full AP) but when you're playing the tanky cow, your job is to get in there, knock up the enemy (and you have to be very close, right up in their face - the range is extremely small) and let your ADC or jungler or whoever take them down. I admit, many times I've crushed a low-health squishy with my Q just for the pure satisfaction of it, but only do it when no one else is able to get the kill. A successful support is a support who has way more assists than kills. And hopefully, than deaths. Take the kill that waltzes right up to you, of course, but don't go chasing them - you are a beautiful cow, but you're not an indestructible one, and you must first and foremost live for the protection of your teammates, rather than your own glory.
I mean amen.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lord Houseplant
Lord Houseplant Alistar Guide
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Alistar Support: The Cow That Won't Die

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