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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Prowlers claw
brooooo dont take ****ing duskblade pleaseeeee
Prowlers claw mythic passive is significantly better on Pyke
PC adds 5 lethality to every legendary item you own, and because pykes stun scales with lethality.....
you get a full as extra second of your stun just from building PC instead of duskblade.
also the active is amazing, you can use it to extend the range of you E by doing a simple E>PC combo that guarantees you hit your stun.
there is a reason PC has the best win rate with pyke, its just better.
Prowlers claw mythic passive is significantly better on Pyke
PC adds 5 lethality to every legendary item you own, and because pykes stun scales with lethality.....
you get a full as extra second of your stun just from building PC instead of duskblade.
also the active is amazing, you can use it to extend the range of you E by doing a simple E>PC combo that guarantees you hit your stun.
there is a reason PC has the best win rate with pyke, its just better.
Boots and runes
Ionian boots are great on pyke, but this build spacifically focuses on what pyke is REALLY good at, being sticky and illusive, with merc treads and tenacity runes it will be impossible to keep pyke in place long enough to do any damage, and with the extended stun duration from prowlers claw pyke will be a menace to society.
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