Cho'gath is not great to face because he dose persent damage. Also his ult let's him scale health with you. This makes him annoying to kill.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is difficult because of his regen. A full build mundo is unkillable, so he will slowly kill you.
Bel'veth is very deadly. This is because of her high attack speed. If she has blade of the ruined king the persent damage is very hard to deal with.
Elise is very hard to finnish of. Her ability to jump into the air makes it so that whoever you are tanking for will not get the gold for finnshing her off.
Azir is not a that bad because your W and E kills his summons quickly. Also he dose not do enough damage to hurg you that bad.
A heimerdinger is super deadly. The full combo will be very dangerous. If he ults you it can kill you. If he has any true damage he could be extreamly deadly.
Kha'zix can be very dangerous. If he get's you alone in the jungle there is not much that you can do.
Neeko is not deadly at all. In her damage can not deal with your health and stuning.
Vel'koz can be dangerous. He dose a lot of true damage and that can be deadly if you get stunned.
Yorick is a very easy champion to kill. With you stunning him and not letting him attack plus your AOE that is killing his summons, there is not much that he can do.
Sylas can be a dangerous champion to face because he can steal your ult and stun you and the person you are with that is dealing the damage. During this time it is easy to kill the both of you.
Shaco is a not great person to be aginst. If he get's you alone in the jungle there is not much you can do to stip him
Galio is not great to face because he has enough health and stunning that he might be able to get you and the people in the lane.
Kassadin is easy to ambush because his dash is not long enough to get away and your Q can easly get him.
Aatrox is the perfect ally to have. He has high damage, health, CC, leach and speed. With all off his stats with you tanking and stuning nothing will stand up to you two.
Ashe is a good ally because of her natrul slow lets you and her run the enemy down. Also she has enough damage to kill the target you are ambushing.
Caitlyn is a nice ally to have beacuse she dose a lot of damage. With you tanking and not letting her get killed will let you kill most targets. Also your CC is helpful for her.
Kog'maw is a good ally because of his damage pen, your CC and his persent damage you can kill most targets.
Miss Fortune
Miss fortune is a very good ally because if you stun a target and she dose her bullet rain and ult nothing really can live.
Aatrox is the perfect ally to have. He has high damage, health, CC, leach and speed. With all off his stats with you tanking and stuning nothing will stand up to you two.
Ashe is a good ally because of her natrul slow lets you and her run the enemy down. Also she has enough damage to kill the target you are ambushing.
Caitlyn is a nice ally to have beacuse she dose a lot of damage. With you tanking and not letting her get killed will let you kill most targets. Also your CC is helpful for her.
Kog'maw is a good ally because of his damage pen, your CC and his persent damage you can kill most targets.
Miss Fortune
Miss fortune is a very good ally because if you stun a target and she dose her bullet rain and ult nothing really can live.
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