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Recommended Items
Runes: Magik
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Hooker? I barely know her
Mana Barrier (PASSIVE)
Blitzcrank Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Brand has extreme range and braindead-easy skillshots that do massive amounts of damage. Since this build takes away most of your defense, you'll be melted by Brand if you don't play safe.
Jhin has a lot of utility. His traps and ult slow and his W can root. You can use this to your advange by using your Q right after. Alternatively, Jhin can use his CC right after yours.
Jhin has a lot of utility. His traps and ult slow and his W can root. You can use this to your advange by using your Q right after. Alternatively, Jhin can use his CC right after yours.
Champion Build Guide
Welcome to the Blitzcrank Special, a build that will make your adc and enemies mald. Your hook and ult combo will one-shot, and your ult will be available almost instantly late game. If you don't instantly kill your target, your knock-up will buy your teammates enough time to finish them off. Although you won't be tanky anymore and will probably be victim to being one-shot yourself, Blitzcrank was always meant for picks anyways.
Dark Harvest
Gathering Storm
Raw AP
Luden's Companion: 90
Mejai's Soulstealer (Fully Stacked): 125 + 20 = 145
Rabadon's Deathcap: 140
Shadowflame: 120
Lich Bane: 100
Elixer of Sorcery: 50
Eyeball Collection (Fully Stacked): 20 + 10 = 30
Absolute Focus (Above 70% HP): 30
Adaptive Force: 9 + 9 = 18
Subtotal: 723
35% (Rabadon's Deathcap) of 723: 253.05
Total: 976.05
Rocket Grab Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): 285 + (120% of 976.05 = 1171.26) = 1456.26
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 1456.26: 291.252
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 976.05 = 80.244): 120.244*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25
Total (Used First): 1935.596
Total (Not Used First): 1772.512
Power Fist Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): (80% of 121.5 = 97.2) + (25% of 976.05 = 244.0125) = 341.2125
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 341.2125: 68.2425
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 976.05 = 80.244): 120.244*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25
Total (Used First): 1207.064
Total (Not Used First): 1043.98
Static Field Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): 525 + 976.05 = 1501.05
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 1501.05: 300.21
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 976.05 = 80.244): 120.244*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25
Total (Used First): 1989.344
Total (Not Used First): 1826.26
Sorcerer's Shoes: 18 magic penetration
Shadowflame: 10 magic penetration
Total: 28 magic penetration
Dark Harvest
Gathering Storm
Raw AP
Luden's Companion: 90
Rabadon's Deathcap: 140
Shadowflame: 120
Banshee's Veil: 120
Lich Bane: 100
Elixer of Sorcery: 50
Eyeball Collection (Fully Stacked): 20 + 10 = 30
Absolute Focus (Above 70% HP): 30
Adaptive Force: 9 + 9 = 18
Subtotal: 698
35% (Rabadon's Deathcap) of 698: 244.3
Total: 942.3
Rocket Grab Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): 285 + (120% of 942.3 = 1130.76) = 1415.76
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 1415.76: 283.152
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 942.3 = 75.384): 115.384*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25
Total (Used First): 1884.296
Total (Not Used First): 1723.912
Power Fist Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): (80% of 121.5 = 97.2) + (25% of 942.3 = 235.575) = 332.775
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 332.775: 66.555
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 942.3 = 75.384): 115.384*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25
Total (Used First): 1177.364
Total (Not Used First): 1016.98
Static Field Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): 525 + 942.3 = 1467.3
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 1467.3: 293.46
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 942.3 = 75.384): 115.384*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25
Total (Used First): 1946.144
Total (Not Used First): 1785.76
Sorcerer's Shoes: 18 magic penetration
Shadowflame: 10 magic penetration
Total: 28 magic penetration
Q -> E -> R: 1935.596 + 1043.98 + 1826.26 = 4805.836
No Mejai's Build
Q -> E -> R: 1884.296 + 1016.98 + 1785.76 = 4687.036
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