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Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
*Note* I am not particularly experienced when it comes to making guides, so constructive criticism in the comments is requested (and needed)
Teemo is an annoying little [insert profanity here] and can be incredibly tilting to play against. While laning try to land auto attacks on the enemy when you safely can. If you can get a kill, or force them to back, venture into the jungle and ward their camps, or put down shrooms. Put down as many shrooms as you can, and you will find yourself tilting enemy laners and the jungler. True story: I once played full AP Teemo, and picked up two kills on the enemy jungler. I didn't even see him. It's all in the mushrooms. Poke with your Q, witch is devastating, as it will cause the opposing laner to miss cs. If you can, roam bot or top with your W and put down shrooms. You might even pick up a kill or two. Remember, vision is the key to success, and it isn't just the jungler and supports job. Buy Control Wards, and ward Dragon, Baron, and both buffs. Try to keep track of the enemy jungler, as that will help in preventing ganks.
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