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Ashe Build Guide by Goblinho

AD Carry Ashes to Ashes

AD Carry Ashes to Ashes

Updated on March 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Goblinho Build Guide By Goblinho 5,032 Views 0 Comments
5,032 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Goblinho Ashe Build Guide By Goblinho Updated on March 15, 2014
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Hi, I play Ashe a certain way and I get flamed . . . but I win.

It is a build not designed around full AD but mixed DPS. It works due to several factors but mainly because you can stay mobile and with a decent team you can stay out of harms way . . . Oh yeah and because that early game you can melt squishy carries or supports so bad they will start playing different lanes :)

I don't love math (or meth) but unlike 90% of LoL players I do understand how DPS works, this is why I get flamed. They don't get that 1 attack that does 100 damage is just as effective as 2 that do 50. Also throw in an auto crit, some on hit from Static Shiv + Sheen then throw in a Volley shot after you open with your Crystal Arrow and you have a VERY upset enemy.

Not all but most see the burst you hit them with and turn and run. Good job those items you took boost your speed especially with your Q slowing them down (fire off ghost early game to make sure).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Goblinho
Goblinho Ashe Guide
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