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Ability Order
Shurima's Legacy (PASSIVE)
Azir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
to me zed is a very difficult match up for azir cause of his ulty and other abilities cause as u try to ult zed back he can simply put a w behind u and go behind u and attack u and maybe kill u so vs zed azir needs to play safe till he gets atleast 1 or 2 items then he can 1v1 zed later on in the game
[*] he has great mid/late game and has very high dmg later in the game
[*] he has great poke cause of his W so he can play safe in teams fight
[*] he has good ult for team fights with good combos with yasuo/malphite/Oriana.etc..
[*] doesn't have such a great early game for his lack of dmg on his w
[*] can fall back easly if camped or countered and can render uless in late game for his lack of dmg if behind
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