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Ability Order
Shurima's Legacy (PASSIVE)
Azir Passive Ability
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Lee Sin
This faggot is a real pain in the arse. He is just the ultimate counter-jungler.
Hi everyone im GroteLuL a player from EUW and this is my Azir the Jungler guide.I will appreciate your reviews and please dont judge me if you think i made a mistake in this guide. Azir is a great champ and ofcourse he is cool. Well enough introduction lets read further into the guide. |
+ Arise! does everything for you + Azir his ult can really change up the whole game in a split of a second + Azir got free Flash with his Shifting Sands + Azir his slow with Rylai's Crystal Scepter is OP! + Ally champions can walk through Emperor's Divide and is not like Crystallize |
Azir is a great champion if you get the mechanics for him you will be the emperor of the game. It is easy to juke and stun enemy champions with your Arise! and Shifting Sands combined together. When you gank and see the enemy champion flee away and you have finished your Rylai's Crystal Scepter your slow from Conquering Sands will slow your enemy champion soo bad that your enemy will ragequit. |
+ Azir is not crit based + Azir needs a bit of cdr + Azir is not that good in jungle + Enemy champions can Flash through Emperor's Divide or skill through it. |
Since Azir mains mid and not jungle it will not be a really great choice to pick Azir in jungle if someone else wants to go mid with him |
Ability Sequence Order
First we want to max Arise! because of the slavery must be 100%. Just joking you want to spam your soldiers right ? now max that s**t out then ! After Arise! we are maxing his Conquering Sands because of the slow it has. wow guess what , we max out Shifting Sands as last , no s**t |
Skill Explanation & Combo
CONQUERING SANDS: // Use this skill while you have a soldier arisen because this will slow your enemy and you will need that to help your team and let them catch up with the slowed down enemy.
ARISE!: // You call up your slave to work for you so you dont have to do sh**t.
EMPEROR'S DIVIDE: // This skill will be your insec mlg420 360noscope teamdestroying skill. You will be taking alot of little children souls with this skill.
You're going to want to max out Arise! before Conquering Sands.
Tips and Tricks
- // Use your Arise! and Shifting Sands to engage. But use it smart.
- // Use your Conquering Sands after Arise! if you want him slowed and then engage.
- // Try to use Emperor's Divide on the right place and right time!
The Wombo Combooo
21 OFFENSE 9 Defense
Z E |
sp |
M A S T E R I E S |
// well why i use 21 on offensive side is because the tanky items you buy in-game are enough to survive. Trust me :)
Q: Does Azir suck ? // No |
- Greater Quintessence of Ability Power: Azir is ap and we want to still do some dmg right ?
- Greater Mark of Magic Penetration: This will penetrate the ''Emperor's'' scepter right up in the enemy's arsehole and thats what we want right? Rape the enemy team!
- Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist: This is great for late game and alot of games , like 7 out of 10 , you will be level 18 and that means that you have more mres than if you would've used flat mres glyphs
- Greater Seal of Armor: Nothing to tell about. Standard jungling rune. Is alot needed against the monsters in the jungle thats why.
Item Sequence
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Spirit Visage
Randuin's Omen
Nashor's Tooth
Get this item if you want to jungle faster and gank faster. (i always buy these boots with every jungler) |
It gives you 120 AP + 30% of your total AP. Who doesn't want this? |
This will give you +100 AP and slow on the enemy. This means + = epic slow my boy |
This gives you AP+SPEED+CDR. The attack speed is not that great because your slaves dont use your attackspeed. The CDR is always useful because who doesn't want to spam skills? Right? |
CDR+HEALTH+HPREGEN+20%moreHPREGEN+APDEF. This is kinda the standard tank item against AP. |
ALOT OF HEALTH+ALOT OF DEF. Active will slow him down , Bruh you want this sh**t in your Yu-Gi-Oh item deck! |
Champ Info
Synergy: Penta-Assist
Jungler ganking potential: Too Stronkkk
Speciality: Keep dem B***hes at your team
Explanation:This boi is seeking for a revenge against Xerath so pray that your enemy has Xerath in their team and spam hunt on him. Because remember he snitched you! Didn't keep it #3hunna
I thank jhoijhoi for her AWESOME guide on how to make guides
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