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Heimerdinger Humor Guide by Xadam

Base Commander

Base Commander

Updated on June 26, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xadam Build Guide By Xadam 1,559 Views 0 Comments
1,559 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Xadam Heimerdinger Build Guide By Xadam Updated on June 26, 2011
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Play Style

Now the play style of this Dinger is to be your own base basically. Remember to never place your turrets next to each other or a simple AoE can do some real damage to both the turrets at the same time. He is meant to be beefy but not a tank he has high damage output and a lot of HP and a very good amount of Magic Resistance or Armor depending on the make up of the other team.

Always make sure you have both turrets available before entering battle. Get ahead or your enemy and plan the route you think he will take if possible. If on the run this is were it becomes fun! You're Dinger who wouldn't chase you. Now giving I wouldn't chase you into a bush were i know you're hiding turrets for me but!, if i see you running from a 3v4 or 4v5 were i know i have you out numbered well i'ma give chase. Immediately plant your feet lay your turrets stun and fire! watch how fast they die this will causes the rest of the team to wanna take you down. Your stun should only have a 3 sec CD so get to stunning AoE style and watch the turrets kill! This isn't an easy build to play you might not be able to get it or you might get a team who wises up to it. You relay on your HP regain and you mass damage output. If they start to focus your turrets heal them with your ult stun and keep up the rotation. I've taken a fully itemized Alistar out in 4 secs with this tech. My avg score is
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Start out with the Ruby Crystal. Do your best not to go back till at least lvl 6. On that trip depending on how many kills you come back with (i can avg 1-3 kills depending on if people try to gank me. I get more kills when they try :) ) 1st time back grab some Boots of Speed and grab a Catalyst the ProtectorCatalyst the Protector. This means you still have no damage but you can certainly hold your own out there for awhile. Once you start picking up kills you can go back for a Rod of Ages or if you don't have enough then just get a Blasting Wand to hold you over. Once you have your RoA build a FoN. This will put you at 72+ hp regain which will help you stay out longer and even ward off chasers while you regain HP they take hits from your turrets. From this point it all goes off how well your doing. I try to focus a Zhonya's Hourglass and a Rabadon's Deathcap followed by a Deathfire Grasp.
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Team Work

Like any game you play Team work is always important. Make sure your team knows the style of play and bait that you are. Try to keep blue up and stay with your team and never lay your turrets to soon!
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So remember stay by your turrets. Bait as much as you can and if they get wise you can be aggressive just make sure you lay turrets down. Always try to get in front of the ones your after and predict their route.

I will add a video as soon as i get my recorder back up.
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Pros / Cons

Very Beefy
Can avg out 900 dps ( means you can kill someone with 3600 hp in 4 secs.)
Max out HP regain
Minimum amount of req. team work.

Turrets may not be up
Miss your stun pray you don't die or pop ZHG (hourglass)
Turrets can be easily killed.
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Summoner Spells

These are the 2 I would recommend especially if Tryndamere is on you. Your stun and blind with your CH-1 CONCUSSION GRENADE then Blind him again with .

Others I would use depending on team make up.
Rally (in order to use this you must redo your Mastiers but it can be worth it.)
Ignite Always a good choice when you're vs healers
Heal I have only used this once it was nice vs Yi but never really found much use for it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xadam
Xadam Heimerdinger Guide
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Base Commander

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