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Cassiopeia Build Guide by SGTARMYMAN

ADC Basic Guide to Botlane Matchups VS Cass

ADC Basic Guide to Botlane Matchups VS Cass

Updated on July 19, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SGTARMYMAN Build Guide By SGTARMYMAN 8,727 Views 0 Comments
8,727 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SGTARMYMAN Cassiopeia Build Guide By SGTARMYMAN Updated on July 19, 2018
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Cassiopeia and the level 1-3 and 3-18

When laning bottom with Cassiopeia, it is important to either rush to hit 2 and 2v2 the enemy laners or if you do not hit level 2 first it is good to farm til tear and either get a good shove in and recall to walk back or back while your support is still in lane, grab tear and TP back. Alternatively, your jungler may try to gank you at level 2-3-4 if he has started top side and pathed bottom towards scuttle or enemy krugs.

If you gain a advantage it is often good to stand in front of the wave and slow push it in to deny cs/experience, or if your jungler is bot side it's good to push in and go for objectives, help with invades, get deep wards in. It is very important to be aware of where the enemy jungler is to avoid being 3v2 killed.

Once you take bot tower you can look to push your advantage top and take that tower as well if your top laner has not pushed the tower over. This might not be advantageous for you if your top laner is very behind as they will just end up feeding your bot lane, allowing them back into the game. It also is not good to rotate top if a infernal drake or if your team is going for objectives. Much like it is important to participate in a dive with your whole team, if your whole team is going for an objective and their bot lane is there, it is probably better to show and fight over it [especially if you are in a position to fight for it, IE: Not behind]

If you are trying to wait in a bush or make picks, make sure you have a control ward or red-sweeper [or have your support sweep it] - Don't sit in a bush you 'think' isn't warded.

    Rush 2 and fight or farm for tear
    Avoid ganks by deep warding
    Buy at least 1 control ward
    KNOW enemy cds [study study]
    Where's the enemy jungler? [look at your map!]
    Do not flash ult if the jungler takes blue from you. You are not entitled to blue, and losing a fight from no sums/ult is stupid. You have to be the best player on your team to win games

If you can accomplish half of this stuff you will climb to diamond easily
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SGTARMYMAN
SGTARMYMAN Cassiopeia Guide
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