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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Kill Power
Ability Order
Mana Barrier (PASSIVE)
Blitzcrank Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
My Guide(Heavily Inspired By Pianta
This Build is heavily inspired by pianta, and I love his videos. This build is a fun blitz build. Don't take this too seriously, since Blitzcrank isn't really a meta top laner. It can be possible to win with this, but I strongly suggest to keep this in Bots and Norms. If you really wanna try this build in ranked, go ahead. Heres where I got inspiration from.
This is credited to Pianta. Subscribe to his channel, he's a really fun league player.
Some tips
So, despite how trollish this build is,I wanna try to give some tips. If you wanna really play it though, watch piantas video to see how he plays.
Try to hook when a minion dies so you can catch them by surprise
Take advantage of your shield, and catch the enemy lackin by fighting them just when your shields are about to proc, and you can get some massive damage.
Use the jungle to your advantage, so you can hook them by surprise.
Using the tower is also a nice way to get some kills too.
Once again, take this guide with a grain of salt though. Its just a fun build, and I hope you enjoy it, despite how weird it is.
Try to hook when a minion dies so you can catch them by surprise
Take advantage of your shield, and catch the enemy lackin by fighting them just when your shields are about to proc, and you can get some massive damage.
Use the jungle to your advantage, so you can hook them by surprise.
Using the tower is also a nice way to get some kills too.
Once again, take this guide with a grain of salt though. Its just a fun build, and I hope you enjoy it, despite how weird it is.
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