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Xin Zhao
pff fuck this guy that early game dmg.. lolololol in bronze people just build attackspeed items and dmg. annoying
I play since Closed Beta after the brought it live i stoped because i was to lazy to lvl to 30.
played some games in S1 and started in S3 always hanging around in Silver because im a Scrub and you are too.
since then im getting older over the years i didn't really care about Ranked games.
when im in the mood im probably try to get back into silver, i really want that fancy Silver frame on my loading screen.
so this is my first guide, just put this up in one hour, not really caring about the reputation i get for this.
Thats the part i don't really like because random people,
you never know what you get in your games.
My playstyle is different i don't care that much about teamfights,the thing i care about is dominating my lane as hard as i possibly can, so the jungler and midlaner will gonna pay attention to you and they don't roam bot and get fed from your level 20 adc who has 20 farm in 10 minutes. when i roam, snack a kill here or there,im more into objectives and pushing stuff, stealing jungle creeps.
example, my team is doofing around in midlane and failed to kill the tank who was farming in mid and burned 3 flashes and 2 ignites.
I stay top and push, kill towers when i see the map goes empty, they gonna come for me, im sure about that. Recalling shop some stuff go botlane take creeps take there buff roam mid push there, because my team doofs around on toplane. I use my team as a bufferzone becasue time will do there work towers falling drakes being killed, im 20/6 or something full build and lvl 18 where my team is 15-16.
probably not going to work in higher ELO, but its working for bronze scrubs.
you never know what you get in your games.
My playstyle is different i don't care that much about teamfights,the thing i care about is dominating my lane as hard as i possibly can, so the jungler and midlaner will gonna pay attention to you and they don't roam bot and get fed from your level 20 adc who has 20 farm in 10 minutes. when i roam, snack a kill here or there,im more into objectives and pushing stuff, stealing jungle creeps.
example, my team is doofing around in midlane and failed to kill the tank who was farming in mid and burned 3 flashes and 2 ignites.
I stay top and push, kill towers when i see the map goes empty, they gonna come for me, im sure about that. Recalling shop some stuff go botlane take creeps take there buff roam mid push there, because my team doofs around on toplane. I use my team as a bufferzone becasue time will do there work towers falling drakes being killed, im 20/6 or something full build and lvl 18 where my team is 15-16.
probably not going to work in higher ELO, but its working for bronze scrubs.
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