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Caitlyn Build Guide by TryMeIfUDare

ADC Best Caitlyn Guide ADC ! [14.17]

ADC Best Caitlyn Guide ADC ! [14.17]

Updated on September 10, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare 20 1 61,610 Views 0 Comments
20 1 61,610 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Caitlyn Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare Updated on September 10, 2024
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Fleet Footwork
Absorb Life
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Best Caitlyn Guide ADC ! [14.17]

By TryMeIfUDare

Why Should I Play Caitlyn?
Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover, is arguably one of the most iconic ADCs in League of Legends. Famed for her amazing range, accuracy, and zoning, Caitlyn is the champion who can easily take over the bot lane and carry her team to victory. Here's why you should add Caitlyn to your champion pool.

Among Caitlyn central features, a long attack range is the most important. Caitlyn has the greatest base attack range among all the ADCs. This lane bully feature keeps opponents off and secures the lead in farm, which is really powerful in writing. Her Q, Piltover Peacemaker, adds damage through a line on all creeps, making it close to impossible for the opposing hero to approach his creeps without taking huge damage.

Another reason to look forward to Caitlyn is her great ability to zone and lay out vicious traps. Her Yordle Snap Traps (W) enable unique control over areas of relevance to the map, kill setups, or gank protection. Proper trap placement could potentially hold an enemy's feet still, making them tip-toe around the map more carefully, creating opportunities for engagements that your team can capitalize on, if its opponents make a mistake. Her mobility and crowd control are provided by her E, title 90 Caliber Net, so that she may easily escape from sticky situations or kite away effectiveness from anyone.

Ace in the Hole is Caitlyn's truly iconic ultimate ability. Offering a finisher providing a good shot from long range, she guarantees the killing blows onto her targets. This targeted shot does massive damage, good to take out low-health characters who try to escape. This also adds a mental edge in that the opponents need to be cautious of their health at all times when Caitlyn is in the game. She can snipe them from a distance at any instant.

Another cause of Caitlyn's strong pick is the scaling potential. The early game is good enough, but Caitlyn is also a hyper carry in the mid and late game. She can become one of the major damage dealers when used with proper items, which include the Infinity Edge, Rapid Firecannon, and Galeforce, with her team fight shred. This characteristic makes her a very reliable carry with deadly consistency from afar when played in tandem with a support able to facilitate safety, such as peeling, ending up in better survival, and thus greater guaranteed and persistent damage.

Lastly, Caitlyn is thematically appealing, her design being generally fun to play. Caitlyn being the Sheriff of Piltover and such a great epitome of precision, justice, and authority crossover into her gameplay themselves. Quite appealing as well are the skins and character design that represent a style and theme for engaging play with her.

In conclusion, Caitlyn would be a really strong champion for the laning phase with a larger range than any other and zonal quality, widely making her a force to be reckoned within the bot lane. She can pick up these kills with her ultimate in the early game, and her scaling guarantees moments of threat in the game. Whether you are a new player in search of a trustworthy ADC or an experienced monster who wants to keep their skills honed, Caitlyn is worth mastering on League of Legends.

    Longest Base Attack Range
    Strong Early Game
    Excellent Zoning Tools
    Powerful Ultimate
    Safe Playstyle
    Scales Well Into Late Game
    Versatile in Team Compositions

    Relatively Weak Mid-Game
    Skill-Dependent Zoning
    Limited Mobility
    High Skill Ceiling
    Vulnerable to Engage
    Difficulty Against Tanks
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare
TryMeIfUDare Caitlyn Guide
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