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Recommended Items
Runes: Sinister Blade
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Balancing Damage & Output
Voracity (PASSIVE)
Katarina Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Author Notes for thee
Katarina is an Assassin renowned for her Sudden Bursts. She is also renowned for the greed and toxicity within Runeterra's scorestreaks.
People who are fond of her build a stockpile of raw Ability Power so she can deal an insane amount of Magic Damage that armor won't save you. It was really unfair because she can reset her abilities upon takedowns so mostly bad-boys enjoy her company.
But since she was nominated among the chosen Assassins to receive a gameplay relaunch, it was amazing that her combos are much mechanical though many still stock-pile those Magic Damage without questioning her Ability ratio Scaling. That as long as she deals a ton of damage, combo only matters to win they believe.
Since I don't notice her much anyways in my Rank Game quite often though until I ended up making reasonable Build here in Mobafire to relive a certain champion's meta out of my very own boredom and enthusiasm.
I made this hoping you would consider this build on Katarina to feel much thrill by her company, not a one-trick, items do not cost that much, and more necessary teamplay.
People who are fond of her build a stockpile of raw Ability Power so she can deal an insane amount of Magic Damage that armor won't save you. It was really unfair because she can reset her abilities upon takedowns so mostly bad-boys enjoy her company.
But since she was nominated among the chosen Assassins to receive a gameplay relaunch, it was amazing that her combos are much mechanical though many still stock-pile those Magic Damage without questioning her Ability ratio Scaling. That as long as she deals a ton of damage, combo only matters to win they believe.
Since I don't notice her much anyways in my Rank Game quite often though until I ended up making reasonable Build here in Mobafire to relive a certain champion's meta out of my very own boredom and enthusiasm.
I made this hoping you would consider this build on Katarina to feel much thrill by her company, not a one-trick, items do not cost that much, and more necessary teamplay.
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