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Blitzcrank Build Guide by LordOfTeapots

Other Blitz party guide

Other Blitz party guide

Updated on December 23, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LordOfTeapots Build Guide By LordOfTeapots 3,169 Views 0 Comments
3,169 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LordOfTeapots Blitzcrank Build Guide By LordOfTeapots Updated on December 23, 2014
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Blitz: The party master.

Alright so we all know that blitz has done some serious partying in his life right? Right? Well now he's running late again, like usual and his friends said "One more time and you're dunzo's blitzo!" So he's gotta hurry. This is where my build will come into play.
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What else can help.

Well of course if you're always running late to a party, you need to fix it. So here I've written a step by step guide on how to be on time. This may not always work for you though if you're doing it wrong. So here are some other ways you can use to help.

1. Good friends.
If you have good enough friends, they might be nice enough to plan a fake kidnapping in where they will kidnap you from your house, maybe add a few beatings, and then bring you to the party on time! EASY!

2. Have your friends tell you the party starts earlier than it actually does.
Just let your friends know that you don't want to be late to their parties anymore, and have them say the party time wrong. You'll get there on time and no one will get hurt!

3. PoolCar
If you're lazy *** friends want you there on time, **** them!
Make them pick you up and give you rides to the party, so they can't complain!
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There ya go, a professional guide to not be late to all of your wild parties, Gg
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LordOfTeapots
LordOfTeapots Blitzcrank Guide
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Blitz party guide

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