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Brand Build Guide by gigs135

AP Carry Brand Guide

AP Carry Brand Guide

Updated on January 7, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gigs135 Build Guide By gigs135 1,884 Views 0 Comments
1,884 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author gigs135 Brand Build Guide By gigs135 Updated on January 7, 2016
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i feel most enemies champions are easy for brand to lane against. Poke with you w to get them low then all in them. (Combos are in chp 2). You want to get in there face and destroy them after you have poke them hard. if you miss your w quite easily then make sure to e a minion that has you passive to spread your passive to other minions and the enemy champ. A good wave clear is to w then e. W to hit as many as you could and e to spread the damage around. Be careful of champions that have lots of mobilty they can avoid your q easily. You must hit you q to do the most damage possible. That's why you get up close and personal. You have a great advantage against melee champions because it can be easier to hit your e. Just to make sure to poke them with you w then go for an all in. Also don't forget ignite, best way to finish anyone off.

Good Luck and Have Fun
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fighting and combos

during the laning phase make sure to always poke with your w cause i has the most range.
Brand is very squishy so be careful. When the enemies get close to you, do a e q w combo. This is you kill combo. If there are no minions around you (enemies minions) I like to start with my ult then go for a q w e combo. During team fights I like to ult first then go e to spread the passive around then go for a q w to finish off a target. But you main combos are e q w.

Pre6=e q w
6+=e q w r (if there is one target)
team fight combo=r e q w

Have fun and good luck.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gigs135
gigs135 Brand Guide
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Brand Guide

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