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Recommended Items
Runes: Generic Enchanter build
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Normal Build path
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Basically dodge. You will get 2-3 shot once he gets his first back and there's not much you can do about it. He's basically a better Lucian in Sona's POV.
Champion Build Guide

Thanks for reading.

You could take

Always take

On first back, look to buy

Your first item should pretty much always be

For boots just always default to


Afterwards, you can make the choice between

Sorcery second is the obvious choice.

As we all know,

Aery is self-explanatorily the best keystone for enchanter supports.

In lane, walk up and get the auto->

With this initial won trade, you and your ADC should be to get the wave pushing. Help your ADC push the wave by auto attacking minions but be careful not to steal any or make it difficult for them to CS.
Though you push for level 2 to get lane pressure, Sona's level 2 is quite weak as her

If you weren't able to get the lane pushing either because you messed up the initial trade or something else went wrong, look to get high value trades from

Don't be afraid to get low HP on

This is where you want to ward generally.
At level 3, if the lane is passive, take

Otherwise, if you are controlling the lane and are somewhat low on mana (<50%), take

Once you get past these initial levels, in general

At 6, Sona is briefly quite strong depending on her ADC and can look to burst people with

How do I consistently keep track of which one is my 3rd

Personally, I try to keep track of the 0 counter state and just rotate my spells such that the desired power chord is on my 3rd spell cast.

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