First, he can get to you very easily. And, if you ult him, he will return the favor with true damage. A ban to consider.
You just get deleted. And he also cancels your ult with his E. All you can do is stay under tower, praying to don't get dived.
He is way too tanky for you, ulting him will be like a tickle for him. Try to get an advantage early on before he gets his mythic.
You ult her, she will ult you, and kill you. Also, the tentacles are annoying.
This. He deals way more damage than you (at least early). He can cancel your ultimate with his W. And he can gapclose you easily. Permaban if you don't want a bad time.
I mean, he is Jax. Your ult will do nothing to him, since his E will reduce the AoE damage AND will stun you. He can get to you and also escape very easily.
His Ult counters yours and doesn't do any damage to him. If he goes Ap, you can maybe kill him, but his ult will be lethal. Ask for ganks and be careful.
She can E away from your ult or use it to cancel. Also, her R cancels yours too.
His Q cancels your ult. You can't block anything from him, damn, you even aren't safe undertower. Not a bad choice of permaban.
Not funny to play against. He got buffed at the point he can one shot you past mid game. Fortunately, you don't see it too often.
Ward the bushes and watch how many stacks he has before ulting. His E can't cancel your Ult but will left you inmobile.
If he lands his E, you are probably dead. Remember you can block his R with your W.
Well, both of you are in the wrong lane. But its too late to talk about it. Poke her down with your Q and bait her E so you can go all in. Don't let her scale or you would have ruined the entire game.
Dr. Mundo
Pretty much unkillable after laning phase. You can block his Q, but that won't make a big difference. Get a Executioners early to kill him early, but don't expect to kill him later on.
If you ult, try to stay away from his passive. Rush a QSS and MR. After that, you shouldn't have problems with him.
You both heal a lot, but if he ults, run. Rush Executioners and you beat him easily. Also, you may consider using Ignite for this matchup.
Get as much advantage early as you can. and go Black Cleaver as 2nd item. He will be a problem if you let him scale.
Don't let him farm. Rush executioners
or go Ignite. If he has more than 500 stacks, don't fight him alone.
You can block his engage and your Ult is useless for him. Getting Executioners will help a lot.
She isn't ranged until 6. By that time, you should have killed her at least twice. Remember she scales a LOT better than you.
You can block his 'nado, so, he can't ult you.
Just like Yasuo, you can block his Q3, but be careful with his ult.
You block her E and Q. And your ult will damage her even if she is in her shroud. You will probably get fed easily.
With his ult, you get a free ult. In tf, you both are a nightmare for the enemy team.
If he ults, go all in and ult. You two will obliterate the other team.
Go all in when she ults, get an Ace.
With his ult, you get a free ult. In tf, you both are a nightmare for the enemy team.
If he ults, go all in and ult. You two will obliterate the other team.
. You can use Goredrinker while using W
. You suffer early but shine on mid game
. Remember to use Goredrinker before ult
My 2nd guide, and is another bruiser guide lmao. So, why this?
Samira has a bruiser-ish style kit, so...why you would not try this?
Note: Guide updated to patch 12.3
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