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Caitlyn Build Guide by jayce24

AD Carry Caitlyn bot carry gide (s3)

AD Carry Caitlyn bot carry gide (s3)

Updated on January 18, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jayce24 Build Guide By jayce24 2,636 Views 0 Comments
2,636 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author jayce24 Caitlyn Build Guide By jayce24 Updated on January 18, 2013
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Hi. I have made this guide to show you how i personally play the sheriff of piltover.This guide is advisory so feel free to make changes.
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Pros / Cons

. Has a good ult
. Fares well in team fight
. Can get away from being chased if need be

. Is squishy at the start of the game
. Can't get away from cc
. Doesn't have good sustain until bloodthirster
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I take teleport because it's the best way to get to a fight quickly and it makes the minion you target to (if you target a minion of course) invunerable whilst you are teleporting

I use heal because it gives cait more sustain meaning you survive longer in a fight giving you time to recall if need be.
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Thank you for looking at my 1st guide and have fun playing!
As this is my 1st guide any tips or help would be greatly apprecated
I will only make more guides on request unless this gets a high rating.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jayce24
jayce24 Caitlyn Guide
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Caitlyn bot carry gide (s3)

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