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Caitlyn Build Guide by CCsweetheart

AD Carry Caitlyn Build (Crit that ****)

AD Carry Caitlyn Build (Crit that ****)

Updated on March 12, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CCsweetheart Build Guide By CCsweetheart 4,139 Views 0 Comments
4,139 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CCsweetheart Caitlyn Build Guide By CCsweetheart Updated on March 12, 2015
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How to Play with it.

If you want a nice early and late game try to farm as much as you can in the beginning and use Q as much as possible for harass to you enemy adc. If you can farm much and get you gold to get infinity ege and Berserker greaves as fast as possible and ten start to build the items we really want for this Caitlyn.
LANE: Don't go greedy and try not to die too early, just harass or wait for gank from jungler, also tell your support to play safer and not agressive until you get your B.F sword.
Don't go back to base until you have atleast 1550, usually tries to stay until 2000 gold.
Go back and grab the B.F Sword and boots 325 or 1000 depends on how much you have.
Go back to lane and now you can put more pressure to your opponents.
IMPORTANT: Always have an eye on were your opponents are and keep sight on the Dragon to make sure they wont get it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CCsweetheart
CCsweetheart Caitlyn Guide
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