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Camille Build Guide by Raideru

Top Camille Challenger Guide by RAIDER [UPDATED 25.S1.3 + MATCHUPS]

Top Camille Challenger Guide by RAIDER [UPDATED 25.S1.3 + MATCHUPS]

Updated on February 5, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Raideru Build Guide By Raideru 43 2 68,929 Views 0 Comments
43 2 68,929 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Raideru Camille Build Guide By Raideru Updated on February 5, 2025
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Runes: Grasp Runes

1 2 3 4
Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash
Second Wind

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
Standard Setup
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Camille Challenger Guide by RAIDER [UPDATED 25.S1.3 + MATCHUPS]

By Raideru
About me
Hi there, my name is Raider, I've been playing League since Season 3.

I'm a multi seasonal Challenger player who is widely known for my 1v9 and consistent playstyle along with being known as one of the best laners on EUW.

I am widely known for my Darius & Jax along with my sub-champions such as Camille, Fiora, Dr.Mundo, Nasus & Olaf with whom I've reached Challenger for many seasons in a row and I was one of the only people who got High Korean Challenger playing these champions exclusively going as high as 1.4k LP KR in S14 Split 2.

In the present, I'm focusing on mostly content creation and coaching along with providing my viewers with the best gameplay possible.

Achievements through my SoloQ Journey
•First off is the early game.
Camille is a very strong 1v1 champion however only in the mid to late game stages of the game meaning that her early game is quite weaker compared to other bruisers but only in the all in sense meaning that her short trading is probably one of the best in the entire game if utilized properly and the key to success on her is learning how to play with small wins in trades rather than looking to instantly kill them from full hp.

As for trading in early game,
In most matchups you will look to just chip down your laner with short trades and afterwards look to all in them and the more u play the champion the better you will see these windows for that. Also be careful with trading on slowpushes when it comes to this especially on this champion since she is already really weak in this stage of the game however you can always look to trade with your passive as long as you get away without losing much hp.

•Second off is the mid/late game.
Generally on this champion, you usually want to open out of your base through mid lane since the champion has really good tools to catch people but if you don't see any possible angles at all then don't bother and going straight to the side lane, you really want to abuse the fact that this champion wins a lot of 1v1s later and is also very good at split pushing and using that extra tempo to position faster for future objectives and teamfights.

For the team-fights, you can play the fights in many ways:
This champion can either play slow with the team from the front, look to lockdown a target for the team to oneshot with her ult, look to flank the enemy carries in the backline and look them down with ult or even use herself as a suicide 1v1 like building GA and the jumping onto the carry to do 1 for 1 is also an option. This champion's options in fights are limitless and the only limit is your imagination.
I really hope I managed to help you all out with at least some useful information. I would appreciate any feedback regarding this guide since I'm planning to make more for my other champions.

If you really enjoy talking about Camille and/or got further questions I'll be happy to answer them on my Twitch stream.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Raideru
Raideru Camille Guide
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Camille Challenger Guide by RAIDER [UPDATED 25.S1.3 + MATCHUPS]

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