This matchup you don't really want to play all ins vs her since she has her shroud and is able to hit u a lot without you being able to hit her, I generally advise just spamming W and baiting her q and then trying to trade with her while you're close to walls so she can't react to your e with her dash or shroud. I would only consider all inning her post 6 if you have a really big HP advantage otherwise I'd just clear waves and roam. Later in the game when u have more items you should be able to 1v1 her. I advise Grasp in this lane with Sheen rush + possible Tiamat if you feel like he is not making mistakes.
This matchup u generally only trade with her after she misses her q otherwise if you jump on her you will lose the short trade cose when you walk away she can still keep hitting you. I generally advise Conq in this lane and depending on how good u think the aurora is I would either focus on rushing Trinity or going Tiamat to avoid flipping the lane completely and just roaming.
This matchup is a bit tricky depending on the skill of the Aatrox, generally what I like to do in this lane is lvl 1 I start w and try to hit the wave while waiting for him to use his passive on the wave afterwards you can always tank his normal auto and proc your passive and then auto him once and walk away with w poke and you will get prio afterwards unless he tries to brute force it, the matchup is all ab playing around his q cooldown whenever he wastes it you look to fight him but just care to not jump in when it's up cose if he plays it correctly he can take half of your hp without much counterplay. After lvl 6 u don't really win all ins all u can really do is chip him down slowly with short trades and when you all in him remember to use your ult to dodge one of his Qs. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this matchup.
This matchup lvl 1 if Darius starts q, you should try to walk into his q and proc your passive with your q and go for short trade, that's generally your only trade pattern along with using w on him when it's bad for him to pull u in, most of the lane it's darius favored cose if he ever gets to auto + slow you he will just instantly ghost on u and pull u back if you try to hookshot so you're basically at the mercy of your jungler if he wants to help you crash waves, all you can rly do is try to win the short trades and never try all inning him without huge hp advantage. After lvl 6 remember to use your ult to dodge his q cose it might make u win an all in depending on if the darius is smart and uses his e to guarantee his q. I advise Conqueror with TP+ Ignite or Flash + Ignite if you're really cocky.
Dr. Mundo
This matchup, generally you win first 6 levels but be careful to not overtrade and get low cose if you waste your abilities and his passive is up he can easily kill u, it's all about poking him down slowly and proccing his passive before the wave starts to bounce back to u so u can go for a kill. After lvl 6+ this matchup becomes a bit hard if you're not being played for since he can actually outheal your dmg in the all in and win it so be in a position where it's difficult to all in u for him all the time. Rush Trinity in this lane and Shojin is also a must for later 1v1s cose u won't have enough dmg to burn through his hp fast enough in the all in. I advise Conqueror with Executioner rush.
This matchup, early game is pretty free but make sure you always trade with minions, do not let him sustain for free play agro but not too agressive and focus on dodging his q whenever you jump on him in order to win the trade even harder. Later you win side and if you're not ahead from early go Shojin if you feel like u need it. I advise Conqueror in this lane.
In this matchup you never want to give her the chance to get a vital for free, always look to q her every time she goes for a q, never fight without shield and always try to mindgame her w by jumping right next to her or by not jumping instantly when you're hugging the wall. Only use your W after she uses q so she can't sidestep it.
I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this matchup.
In this matchup, look to CS mostly with your W since his poke is really strong and his passive dmg goes through your shield since it's true damage so the only way to trade with him is waiting out for him to use his passive and then jumping on him to proc the shield before he blows up his barrels since he always sits on top of it, also use the fact u have an extra auto to instantly take his barrel infront of him when he places it and use your q2 on him. Matchup is hard before first item but afterwards it's playable but remember the key to beating him consistently in 1v1 is how well u last hit his barrels. I advise PTA in this matchup with Sheen rush.
In this matchup, every time he tries to q you then you use your q on him to block his damage with your shield, use your w whenever it's up, always kite him since your kit is simply better than his to prevent his all in windows. You win in all stages of the games vs him just don't understimate his all ins and always kite. I advise Grasp with sheen rush but if you're cocky you can go Conqueror in this lane.
This matchup is very skill based, it's basically up to the gnar how well he reacts to your w and e with his jump, but it's also controllable from your side generally what I do in this lane is I go 3 points E so I can have a lower cooldown in order to jump on him again instantly when it's up since his e cooldown is pretty long so the only way to trade with him generally is either with w poke or with e cooldown strategy. You must rush Trinity in this lane to abuse him as soon as possible since he does get pretty strong later. I advise Conqueror.
In this matchup, you basically try to make him waste e in order to have the ability to hookshot on him since otherwise he can just block it by bodyslamming u, generally in this lane if the gragas is good he tries to poke u down with q so you just try to poke back with W and occasionally hit a Q1 if he goes to last hit minions. I advise getting Mercs vs him since u can't 1v1 him otherwise later due to his low E cd and u taking too long to unstun to chase. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush or Tiamat if you think he won't fuck up much.
This matchup is generally really difficult for Camille in isolation especially before 1st item, all you can really do is try to wait for her to waste q and then trade with her whenever it's down and only look to short trade until there is a big hp gap to all in since she is really strong in all ins especially after lvl 6, to win this lane you usually need jng help unless the gwen is trolling all her trades. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush and Ignite + TP.
In this matchup whenever you can kill her tentacles do it so her w is useless, it's generally a mindgame matchup where if she hits e you lose and if she doesn't you win so it's all about how well u can play around that, also remember to ult her ult so she doesn't deal damage and spawns 1 less tentacle. I advise Conqueror in this lane.
This matchup is generally skill matchup, lvl 1 if she tries to go for minions punish her with Q and take her hp and then walk away don't do an extended all in since she will most likely win it. This matchup u basically want to try getting a lead on her before she gets vamperic since afterwards u just auto lose trades due to her sustain so all u can really do is just scale for your item spikes. Also keep in mind unless she stuns u when she ults you, you should always ult her when she casts it cose u will always dodge it. I advise Conqueror with Dblade start and zoning lvl 1. Respect her on slowpushes.
This matchup is generally very difficult for Camille especially if it's a good Jax, all u really do in this lane is try to bait his E lvl 1 cose whenever it's down you can actually interact with him in melees trades otherwise u only spam w but care after lvl 3+ if you use w on him he can jump on u and cast e and before u hookshot away he can recast it to cancel u so be sure to be close to walls or precast your e if u think he'll jump on your w. Lvl 6 + u never win all in unless you really outtrade him with big hp advantage. Remember to try ulting his e recast after lvl 6 cose that could make u win the all in. I advise Grasp with sheen rush.
In this matchup, all you can really do is Spam w and make sure he doesn't auto u for free and always look to bait his e q since if he doesn't hit it you usually have a window to short trade him then and remember if he ever switches to ranged form close to u look to all in him since he can't push u away with hammer. I advise PTA with Sheen rush or tiamat if you think he won't make mistakes.
This matchup is all about scaling through early game bfr Trinity since this is his only window to abuse u properly, remember to not use your w unless his e is down and always look to dodge his q in a way that lets u look for a trade right away to counter trade him and remember to never all in him with e since he will use his w on it and then outtrade you hard with no chance to fight back so only use it if it's rly bad for him to use his w. After lvl 6 remember when he tries to all in you with his ult don't try to hookshot away and r ather just look to walk away while hoping to dodge q since if you use hookshot he will just cast r to cancel it and then you're dead so only cast it if you think he can' t react fast enough. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush.
This matchup is fairly easy in early game, all u try to do is abuse her pre 6 and she will fall behind in cs and give u chance to get 1st item faster than her. After 6 remember to use your ult to dodge her ult damage, even later on you should be able to win against her if you didn't troll early game. I advise Conqueror in this lane with lvl 1 zone.
This matchup is basically just w spamming and only jumping on him whenever he wastes q so he can't stun u when you jump on him and run away. I advise PTA in this lane with Tiamat rush depending on how little mistakes he's making.
In this matchup, always look to W into Q trades with your passive since if he ever lands his q on you just walk up to him and proc your shield and he can't really do much otherwise. Don't ever hookshot on him unless you're confident on dodging his q or if it's down or if you think u win still. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this lane.
This matchup is just farming and making sure he doesn't get free trades with his passive, he can't really kill u unless you fuck up and get yourself really low, I just advise to rush Tiamat and perma roam and avoid interacting with him. I usually go Grasp in this lane.
This matchup is completely unplayable for Camille since you can't really kill him post 6 anymore cose he pure stat checks u, I usually start w and try to poke him down and if he misses one of his skillshots I try to short all in into looking to kill him again, after 6 never hookshot into him since u will instantly die. If you are even with him after 1st item you always lose so remember to just collect waves and call for jng help and roam. I advise Conqueror with Trinity or Tiamat rush depending on lvl of morde.
In this matchup, u want to zone him from as much CS as u can pre 6 since he is extremely weak before his first reset, and after crashing look to reset for long sword and hold the bounce since if his jungle isn't there u just kill him and he can't crash. After lvl 6 just chip him down slowly with sheen + q2 procs and only all in him if he is half hp with ult. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush.
This matchup, it's generally Camille favored but he can win it if you don't play it properly, basically never be in a position where you can get all inned by his q spam meaning don't ever hookshot into him deep in the lane only if you kill him otherwise you perma trade with w into short trade with q and passive and chip him down slowly, after 1st item you are just too fast and mobile for him so u just short trade him without much counterplay from his side. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this lane.
This matchup, u mostly just W spam and play around his Q and W since the more of those u dodge the more likely u are to have a CS / Gold lead on him since it's generally a skill matchup cose there's a lot of dodging and mindgames. Remember that u can use his Q pillar to e off it and remember after lvl 6 to ult him when he recasts his r. I advise Grasp with Sheen or tiamat rush depending on how much he makes mistakes.
In this matchup, u can't really do anything vs him before first item since he simply stat checks you so I just advise W spamming the wave to collect cs and avoiding all interactions and staying high hp while waiting for jng it's not worth to flip vs him if you auto win perma after 1st item. I advise Conqueror + Second wind & Dshield and perma afk and rush Tiamat if bouncing waves is difficult if he is perma hitting q.
This matchup, u play without hookshot or you only use it if she can't react fast enough with w, when u go for minions always look to q her so she can't damage you with her q and look to perma poke her with w, this matchup is rly annoying if the poppy plays properly but later u outscale just don't fall behind in early. I advise Ravenous rush since the level of poke is rly high in this lane even go vampiric scepter firstt reset with sustain runes. I advise Conqueror with Resolve here.
In this matchup, u start w and you basically spam it till lvl 3 afterwards always try to jump into her since her e doesn't have priority over your e so she just loses it every time and if she tries to save it afterwards it's still difficult for her to chase u after. I advise rushing Trinity and going PTA in this lane.
This matchup is really hard for Camille BEFORE first item since the trading windows are really limited, lvl 1 you try to get grasp proc and look to trade him with your passive into walking back and using your w on him, afterwards when he gets lvl 2+ he will probably lvl e in order to dodge your w so keep that in mind whenever u use it make sure it's awkard for him to jump in, this matchup is all ab short trading and taking the least amount of dmg and staying high on hp so u don't get dove since junglers love to dive with renekton. After u get your first item you just perma short trade him with your speed and chip him down slowly he can't do much but MAKE SURE to not fight for fun in early. I advise Grasp with Sheen start with Trinity rush.
In this matchup, I usually start w and collect wave lvl 1 and just play with slowpushes since her only window to kill you is in early game so all I do is play with her cooldowns and only trade her when her abilities are down and play for my first item spike since afterwards she can't do much, remember also that she can cancel your e with her w and q3. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush into Trinity rush.
This matchup is pretty difficult in early game since you can't really do much vs him, your w poke doesn't work bcs of his shield and even jumping into him he still wins the all in so your best bet is to just scale for your first item and afterwards just stomp him in 1v1. I advise going Conqueror with Tiamat rush.
This matchup is literally just spamming w and whenever he tries to trade with you q him and get your shield and walk away just remember that he can pull you back when you hookshot to cancel or even use his ult. Just slowly chip him down with your w and short trades and then look for all ins with hp advantage. I advise going Grasp with Sheen rush and Trinity rush.
In this matchup, whoever uses E first will most likely lose the trade hard so keep that in mind, only trade when his shield is down and dont w before his passive so he doesn't tank it, this matchup I generally just advise going Conqueror with Tiamat rush and avoid laning vs him before 1st item since he is just too strong.
This matchup is pretty simple for Camille, start w and poke him perma with it, whenever he tries to fling remember to buffer q in order to block dmg with passive, after 1st item if you can chase after him after fling u will always kill him. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush.
This matchup u just spam W whenever you can and always look to trade him whenever your passive is up since you can always walk away easily with one sided trades just make sure to not hookshot in awkward spot cose he can fight u back with e slow into q so keep that in mind, after first item you win trades hard but don't play overly aggressive in early just chip him down slowly with your one sided trade patterns. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush and if you're not really ahead vs him I advise Shojin 3rd in order to be able to 1v1 him.
In this matchup, respect his lvl 1 and don't flip all inns vs his crit rng, always hold your hookshot for disengaging and perma do short trades with your passive, remember after 6 if you ever jump into him he can always ghost + ult and run u down so make sure to keep an eye on that. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush & Ignite + Teleport AND REMEMBER TO NOT TAKE FOOTWEAR SINCE U NEED T1 BOOTS BFR 12 mins.
This matchup u basically just perma spam w on him and make sure u're not close enough to get flipped for free, remember u can cancel his flip with your e if you react fast enough after lvl 9 it's difficult 1v1 if you're not ahead and keep in mind if he doesn't flip you, u can always easily dodge his ult with your ult. I advise Conqueror with Tiamat rush if he is not trolling in lane much.
This matchup is all about short trading him with your passive and abusing the fact u are just simply a better champ than him in all stages of the game just remember to not all in him too hard since LT is strong on Yasuo so keep that in mind. after 1 or 2 resets if you didn't int you should perma win trades. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush.
This matchup is all about short trading him with your passive and poking him with your w whenever he wastes his w, remember that he can dash with his e to dodge your e so make sure u can hit or make sure if u jump in will it matter if u hit it or not. Remember after lvl 6 you can use your ult to dodge his ult. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush into Trinity rush.
This matchup is rly free first 6 levels, perma look to play aggressive vs him, remember you can use his cage for hookshot as well, once he gets ult it's rly difficult to all in him unless he misses everything so keep that in mind. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush and try to put him behind as much as u can first 6 levels.
Hi there, my name is Raider, I've been playing League since Season 3.
I'm a multi seasonal Challenger player who is widely known for my 1v9 and consistent playstyle along with being known as one of the best laners on EUW.
I am widely known for my Darius & Jax along with my sub-champions such as Camille, Fiora, Dr.Mundo, Nasus & Olaf with whom I've reached Challenger for many seasons in a row and I was one of the only people who got High Korean Challenger playing these champions exclusively going as high as 1.4k LP KR in S14 Split 2.
In the present, I'm focusing on mostly content creation and coaching along with providing my viewers with the best gameplay possible.
•First off is the early game.
Camille is a very strong 1v1 champion however only in the mid to late game stages of the game meaning that her early game is quite weaker compared to other bruisers but only in the all in sense meaning that her short trading is probably one of the best in the entire game if utilized properly and the key to success on her is learning how to play with small wins in trades rather than looking to instantly kill them from full hp.
As for trading in early game,
In most matchups you will look to just chip down your laner with short trades and afterwards look to all in them and the more u play the champion the better you will see these windows for that. Also be careful with trading on slowpushes when it comes to this especially on this champion since she is already really weak in this stage of the game however you can always look to trade with your passive as long as you get away without losing much hp.
•Second off is the mid/late game.
Generally on this champion, you usually want to open out of your base through mid lane since the champion has really good tools to catch people but if you don't see any possible angles at all then don't bother and going straight to the side lane, you really want to abuse the fact that this champion wins a lot of 1v1s later and is also very good at split pushing and using that extra tempo to position faster for future objectives and teamfights.
For the team-fights, you can play the fights in many ways:
This champion can either play slow with the team from the front, look to lockdown a target for the team to oneshot with her ult, look to flank the enemy carries in the backline and look them down with ult or even use herself as a suicide 1v1 like building GA and the jumping onto the carry to do 1 for 1 is also an option. This champion's options in fights are limitless and the only limit is your imagination.
I really hope I managed to help you all out with at least some useful information. I would appreciate any feedback regarding this guide since I'm planning to make more for my other champions.
If you really enjoy talking about Camille and/or got further questions I'll be happy to answer them on my Twitch stream.
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