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It destroys Camille all the early game and most of the mid-game, wait till your 2 item spike to duel him, go Divine mythic and evade his Q with Ult, NEVER try to evade his ult with yours, as if Darius targets becomes untargetable when he casts ult, it's cd will reset.
Pretty self explanatory, his E blocks all Autos, including Camille's Q2, solid option for a perma ban when playing Camille.
Hard lanning phase, try not to get poked by his E and Q, and post 6 never fight him if he has ult, unless you are really ahead, in this matchup there is almost nothing to do when behind.
Dr. Mundo
Just survive lanning and outscale him, don't fight him at lv6, his ult will make what sees like a winnable battle into a lose one easly
Do not take Q poke early, mid game she destroys you until two item powerspike, afterward try to split push as much as you can, she can't contest you nor your wave push with Hydra.
Off- Meta stuff here, Just dont die early and you will destroying him quickly.
Skill matchup, Pro tip, if Fiora's W is up aim your E2 slighty behind her, most Fioras will waste their parry and you wont get stunned.
Don't get poke early and destroy his barrels when dueling him, you can even use Q to destroy them.
Annoying for the first two levels, then is completly in your favor as long as you don't take full E damage, your passive still works when silenced, use that to your advantage and be careful al lv6, the only movement when Garen got a bit of kill pressure.
High poke and Damage early and is hard to proc passive, try batting out his E and ask for a gank.
Skill matchup, don't fight her lv1 EVER, then avoid extended fights against her, his weak point is that she love extended fights but can't catch up to most champions.
Hell on Lanning, then it becomes manageable, dodge her E and when she ults either escape or ult her so that she doesn't gets extra tentacles
You outscale her, just play safe from early to mid game so that she doesn't gets ahead, you are a Time bomb and the pressure is on her to defeat you.
Pretty much the same case as Irelia, be careful at mid game and outscale.
She haves comparable scaling to yours, but you destroy her before she can reach her potencial.
Be careful at early levels, use E to disengage.
Lee Sin
Don't fight him early, outscale.
High poke and hard to duel before getting core items, farm and be careful with lv6 all-in.
Annoying early.
Save E for disengage, you can cancel her R with yours.
Due to his E you almost always will receive a Magic shield, he will destroy you even with low stacks after buying sheen.
Be careful early and don't take extended fights, Save your E to escape his E.
He destroys you early, yet you will usally bring more to both split push and teamfighting after a while.
Good damage and tankiness, just wait and outscale.
Same as Olaf, exept that Pantheon got amazing gank setup, be careful with that.
You destroy her later in the game, but makes lanning really hard with is W.
Don't fight him when he has 50+ fury, then you should be Ok.
Skill matchup favoring Riven, be careful when engaging, as she can cancel your E with her W.
Don't fight him early and avoid his W with Q Move speed or R if nescesary.
Good damage with good scaling and even more map pressence than you.
Singed is Annoying... Just that.
You should be fine if you evade his Q.
As long as you don't take Q2 damage from him and buy GW early on, you should be fine.
Tahm Kench
You don't interact in lane, the he will be completly useless.
Engage when he uses Q and take short trades, after a while he won't be able to survive.
Outscale and be careful when he has ult or 70+ Fury.
Really hard, if he lands a E both in Early and late game, you are going to lose that trade hard, try to stay always on the same side of him to lower his DPS.
Avoid extended trades when he got Bork.
You pretty much can't trade againts him and you got no passive because of his mixed damage.
Same as Tahm Kench, no interaction early on and then you outscale him hard.
Good early with scaling, his W can mess up you Q2, borderline unplayable.
Play around his two item powerspike and you should be good, try evading his tornado with ult.
Yasuo 2.0, same as his brother, but is a bigger threat.
Take the Maiden out, without her Yorick can't play against Camille.
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