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Twitch Build Guide by Electricity Gaming

AD Carry Carrying Trash With You

AD Carry Carrying Trash With You

Updated on December 9, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Electricity Gaming Build Guide By Electricity Gaming 3,119 Views 0 Comments
3,119 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Electricity Gaming Twitch Build Guide By Electricity Gaming Updated on December 9, 2013
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One of the favorite marksman/ad carry that i have found to my liking in this game, so i decided to make a guide for him :). As i see in most of my ranked games, he isn't really played that often, even though he is a great marksman and sometimes an assassin. hahaha Well this is the my guide to stomping those fake "Diamond/Platinum smurfs" in those ranked games.
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Pros and Cons (The good and the Bad) :(

+ Can dish out tons of unexpected damage when losing in a fight
+ Could juke many players with Ambush (Stealth) and get out of many bad situations you might get caught in
+ In my opinion one of the best ad carry/marksman in teamfights because of his ult Spray and Pray
+ Can comeback from mostly anything by going Example Build #2 or even when your winning you can get Example Build #2 to dominate in a different way

- It is really hard to take the tower when you were harassing earlier because of Twitch's poison
- Twitch doesn't really have a good escape except if the enemy has any type of cc
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Summoner Spells

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Good Supports To Be With

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Electricity Gaming
Electricity Gaming Twitch Guide
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Carrying Trash With You

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