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Ashe Build Guide by Hotchelli

Middle Challenger CDR Ashe Mid Guide

Middle Challenger CDR Ashe Mid Guide

Updated on February 8, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hotchelli Build Guide By Hotchelli 12 3 35,652 Views 0 Comments
12 3 35,652 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hotchelli Ashe Build Guide By Hotchelli Updated on February 8, 2023
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Arcane Comet
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Ultimate Hunter


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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


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Champion Build Guide

Challenger CDR Ashe Mid Guide

By Hotchelli
Ashe is such a unique champion which hasn't been changed much since her original release but is still very strong in the current patches.

I've been experimenting with Ashe mid for the last 2 seasons and it has shown great success in SoloQ aswell has being probably the funnest **** I've ever played in league.

Sitting in mid and cross-mapping sidelaners while your opponent can do nothing but watch and cry , whilst your simultaniously tilting the enemy team sidelaners as they have to permanently keep an eye out for a 3.5 second R stun flying across there screens every 30 seconds.
How it works
Ability haste is at its peak in league and such their is such good value items which allow mid Ashe to be viable. Reaching peaks of 130-150 Ability haste and having ultimate cooldown as short as 20 seconds make enemy teams miserable.

It's such an easy GOGO button in league soloq which allows for an easy climb and success, even monkeys can follow up on a 3.5 second stun from an Ashe R.
Laning Phase
Laning phase levels 1-5 you just want to focus on getting Mana Flow stacks aswell as keeping high CS for gold. It may be hard to consistently farm with tear start as you will have Low ad but dont be Afraid to use W + Q to help get that CS.

Level 6-11 You want to watch sidelanes for an inconsistencys in the enemy players movement, often what i find is players will stand juking in the same position when they're zoned by supports or top lanes. Your ulti cooldown is around 40 seconds so you just throw that ***** into sides and pray you hit. If you do congratulations you gave your siders a huge advantage, if it misses ohwell try again in 40seconds.
Mid game
Your ultimate should be around 30 seconds now. Focus on siding and keeping up in items, you really want 3 items before you start joing team fights. But it doesnt mean you can't be in teamfights to help. Sitting in side gives you easy angles on Cross map Ashe ultis. which can lead to objectives for the team.
Late game
If games reach to the point level 16 its practically won, Ashe has easiliest the best scaling when in the mid. combinations of items leading to insanely high Ability Haste gives you 20-25 Second ultimates. which lead to picks and game winning fights.
More info
It's hard to explain this playstyle and write out the ideas im trying to convey.

So for builds rely on my OPGG

My stream for how it works Stream


Feel free to ask me any questions as it'll be easier for me to asnwer when questioned.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hotchelli
Hotchelli Ashe Guide
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Challenger CDR Ashe Mid Guide

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