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Cho'Gath Build Guide by DarcEntity

Tank Cho'Gath, the jungle's greatest gentleman.

Tank Cho'Gath, the jungle's greatest gentleman.

Updated on July 14, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarcEntity Build Guide By DarcEntity 2,004 Views 0 Comments
2,004 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DarcEntity Cho'Gath Build Guide By DarcEntity Updated on July 14, 2014
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Hello there!

My name is DarcEntity. I'm a long-time league player who's taken many breaks over the past while. After getting back into the game and finally hitting level 30, I started making my own builds.

My original first build was on Leona, but I'm still tweaking and editing it, as it seems to be far too late game. Instead, I decided to post my Cho'Gath build, which has yet to fail me. I'm new to making my own builds, so bear with me.

This build greatly revolves around Cho'Gath and his well-known massive tankiness. I see it best that he be in the jungle to avoid being easily shut down, as getting stacks on his ulti is the best way to getting tanky. Thanks to the fact that his ulti has a decently short cooldown and the fact that you can get stacks from minions, jungling is incredibly easy as him, and so is tanking. Hope you enjoy!
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As stated in the notes, I don't currently own a lot of my own runes, so I'll leave more to the imagination with this.
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The masteries you see being used in this build allow for a slight bit of tankiness and jungling right out of the starting gate. Top that with his late game and you're damn near unkillable.
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Skill Sequence

The skill sequence I have set up is simple enough Vorpal Spikes does good damage output, and Rupture does as well, topped with the stun. Alternatively, you could also upgrade Feral Scream, as it still has decent damage output, but it's quite difficult to land in some situations.
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Cho'Gath is easily my favorite jungler. This build has been tweaked slightly, but it seemed to work well from the start as well. The amount of tankiness he can have in the late game, topped with his ridiculous amounts of CC can be game-changing. Seriously, a pop-up, slow, AND a silence!? Jungling is easy as him. You walk in, munch on a minion, and leave. Not difficult at all. However, what you want your finished build to look like is purely up to you, as the options left above are versatile enough for you to pull off more than one role, be it bruiser or god-tank.

I hope you enjoyed. I apologize if this build looks amateur, as stated I'm new to this. Find me on League under the username DarcEn (Typo'd from DarcEntity)! Thanks for reading!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarcEntity
DarcEntity Cho'Gath Guide
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Cho'Gath, the jungle's greatest gentleman.

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