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Trundle Build Guide by NAPKEtheBLOODY2

Concept: Trundle, the peeler

Concept: Trundle, the peeler

Updated on February 23, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NAPKEtheBLOODY2 Build Guide By NAPKEtheBLOODY2 2,478 Views 0 Comments
2,478 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NAPKEtheBLOODY2 Trundle Build Guide By NAPKEtheBLOODY2 Updated on February 23, 2013
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Hi, this is an early concept for Trundle filling the role as an aggressive invading jungler and after the laning phase focuses on taking out those offtanks which are destroying your carries. Trundle is ideal for this job because of his Pillar of Filth, his ability to quickly apply the Black Cleaver passive, and offcourse his ultimate Agony, which can reduce an enemy's defences up to 50%.
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Allies: Building Trundle like this, means that you're not an assassino, therefore it fits better in teams with very strong carries, which will win the game by doing more damage than the enemies (think kog'maws and vaynes).

Axis: The build focuses on destroying tanks so it's good when the enemy has tanky champs such as Olaf which tend to chase your carries. It's not recommended to use this build vs squishy assassins like Zed, because they'll kill your carries before you can shred their armor.
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Items, Runes and Masteries

These are chosen to give trundle and a lot of HP and tankyness, while still be able to do damage, especially against armored target. Trundle is very good at clearing the jungle camps, so u won't have to adjust your runes or masteries in order to jungle properly.
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Just a concept so I will be testing this and I appreciate feedback but only on strategy, not the way the guide looks. Have fun!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NAPKEtheBLOODY2
NAPKEtheBLOODY2 Trundle Guide
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Concept: Trundle, the peeler

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