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Recommended Items
Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Allies: Building Trundle like this, means that you're not an assassino, therefore it fits better in teams with very strong carries, which will win the game by doing more damage than the enemies (think kog'maws and vaynes).
Axis: The build focuses on destroying tanks so it's good when the enemy has tanky champs such as Olaf which tend to chase your carries. It's not recommended to use this build vs squishy assassins like Zed, because they'll kill your carries before you can shred their armor.
Axis: The build focuses on destroying tanks so it's good when the enemy has tanky champs such as Olaf which tend to chase your carries. It's not recommended to use this build vs squishy assassins like Zed, because they'll kill your carries before you can shred their armor.
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