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Ability Order
Umbra Blades (PASSIVE)
Nocturne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Dr. Mundo
Ofc he is a strong jungler with a big impact but i think his spells are made for laning.
Rush Tiamat and Q the wave- right there u got the fastes waveclear ingame.
With ur Ult u got a roaming potential and a pick potential- boom: The Perfekt Toplane Champ!
Clearly u are no tank- but if u get the right items u can get tanky or just shread tanks.
U have to try it out- in my eyes its really strong.
Dependint on the matchup ur playing u can choose various Runes. If u vs a hard matchup u can go with Resolve and Precison. If u want to go for the full oneshot, get Domination (searche Darian's Oneshot Nocturne Toplane- i got a own guide on that).
Try out some own combinations that are adepted to ur playstile.
Try out some own combinations that are adepted to ur playstile.
You can play evry matchup differently:
Nocturne is kind of weak vs a bunch of chmamps like Garen, Ornn or Singed. U see these champs are all full tank champs with good base damage. Its hard to play against these kind of champs because from a cetrain point in time they will out scale u. What u can do is, play ur lane agressive. Try to gain a early lead or communicate with ur jungler to get early ganks. That should help u to get in game. If this is working, u can snowball a game pretty easy. If this isnt working, play ur lane as safe as u can and try to go a tank build (i got a own guide for this, go check it out- just searche Darian's Tank Nocturne Top). A tank Nocturne isnt as usfull as a damage Nocturne but if u got a bit practice on it, it can work too.
In winning matchups like Aatrox, Yasuo or even Vladimir u need to play aggresive. Try to get early kills and ur in. If this isnt working, dont greed- get ur farm and start roaming. Try to get mid in or help ur jungler.
This is my opinion on the matchups. U need to try it for yourself to see, how to play various matchups. If u do that let me know, whether u agree with me or not. :)
Nocturne is kind of weak vs a bunch of chmamps like Garen, Ornn or Singed. U see these champs are all full tank champs with good base damage. Its hard to play against these kind of champs because from a cetrain point in time they will out scale u. What u can do is, play ur lane agressive. Try to gain a early lead or communicate with ur jungler to get early ganks. That should help u to get in game. If this is working, u can snowball a game pretty easy. If this isnt working, play ur lane as safe as u can and try to go a tank build (i got a own guide for this, go check it out- just searche Darian's Tank Nocturne Top). A tank Nocturne isnt as usfull as a damage Nocturne but if u got a bit practice on it, it can work too.
In winning matchups like Aatrox, Yasuo or even Vladimir u need to play aggresive. Try to get early kills and ur in. If this isnt working, dont greed- get ur farm and start roaming. Try to get mid in or help ur jungler.
This is my opinion on the matchups. U need to try it for yourself to see, how to play various matchups. If u do that let me know, whether u agree with me or not. :)
As u can see i love to play Nocturne agressive in the early game. The bad thing is: U can be ganked very easily. The good thing: Ur insanly strong!
Use that early power- u got a great sustain with ur passive and the Corrupting Potion. With ur atack speed of ur Q and the fear u got a insane kill potential. In my eyes u dont need a Ignite- if u want to get a first blood or a even bigger kill potential, take Ignite. But in this guide i show u how to play him in the best way possible. So u can paly him in ranked's and win some games! If u want to play a Oneshot Nocturne, check my other guide.
Ur laning phase stops after 1,200K Gold. U got Tiamat now and the only thing u do is fast pushing ur waves into his tower (unless u want to freeze ur lane). Now he has to farm under his tower and u can help ur jungler, gank ur mid lane or u can just start to get vision. U see u got a very fast lane. Dont overextend now. Dont leave ur lane completly- u still need to take ur waves and sometimes u can punish a mistake from ur opponent. So please use ur possibilities smart.
If u do this the lane should be fun for u :P
Use that early power- u got a great sustain with ur passive and the Corrupting Potion. With ur atack speed of ur Q and the fear u got a insane kill potential. In my eyes u dont need a Ignite- if u want to get a first blood or a even bigger kill potential, take Ignite. But in this guide i show u how to play him in the best way possible. So u can paly him in ranked's and win some games! If u want to play a Oneshot Nocturne, check my other guide.
Ur laning phase stops after 1,200K Gold. U got Tiamat now and the only thing u do is fast pushing ur waves into his tower (unless u want to freeze ur lane). Now he has to farm under his tower and u can help ur jungler, gank ur mid lane or u can just start to get vision. U see u got a very fast lane. Dont overextend now. Dont leave ur lane completly- u still need to take ur waves and sometimes u can punish a mistake from ur opponent. So please use ur possibilities smart.
If u do this the lane should be fun for u :P
Hey guys,
Iam a Nocturne Toplane Main and i hope u start enjoing it too!
By the way iam German so my english is pretty bad- please dont judge me to hard. I try my best! :p
Have some great games!
Fu5 Darian
Iam a Nocturne Toplane Main and i hope u start enjoing it too!
By the way iam German so my english is pretty bad- please dont judge me to hard. I try my best! :p
Have some great games!
Fu5 Darian
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