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Thresh Build Guide by DemonicCriminal

Top Demon Thresh Top S8

Top Demon Thresh Top S8

Updated on July 31, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DemonicCriminal Build Guide By DemonicCriminal 1,757 Views 0 Comments
1,757 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DemonicCriminal Thresh Build Guide By DemonicCriminal Updated on July 31, 2018
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Why it works (especially in Season 8)

Hello and welcome to one of the most BRUTAL and FUN Thresh build guides! I've been playing a lot of AD Thresh for over 2 years and realized he can work fairly well with AD.

As you may know, Thresh collects souls that drop randomly by minions/champions/monsters which give him extra AP, armor but also give a passive to his E which. Based on the souls he has collected, level of the E and total AD, you can add extra magic damage to your auto attacks and this is what this build will be based on.

Some AD item reworks and new items this season, provide further encouragement for Top and Bot laners to pick Thresh. Infinity Edge, which now not only converts 15% of your critical strikes to True damage but also doubles any crit chance you have from other items, accompanied by Rapid Firecannon, which gives you bonus Range and charges your auto attacks plus the new item, Stormrazor, gives your first auto every few seconds a guaranteed crit whose damage scales by your total crit chance and last by not least the Dark Harvest rune, which is by FAR the best suited rune for this build.

These are the main ingredients that will, in time, lead to the most terrifying presence in the eyes of all squishies and not only. Hard counters have a chance to take you down late game, and thats IF they finds you straying too far from your team. Anyone else will not even have the chance to escape, and if it's a squishy he will fall in 2 auto attacks or less... If the first auto doesn't kill him, it will take such a large amount of health that it will leave the enemy panicking and with no option but to retreat or try to out-sustain you after he throws a root or stun. Now your second auto on a champion will be significantly weaker, since the first will have used your E passive, Rapid Firecannon passive and Dark Harvest on-hit. If a tankier enemy survives this, simply use your E(active, "Flay") to push him away from you and either keep attacking until his health drops lower or follow up with a hook (Q, "death sentence") and R, to prevent him from fleeing and/or do more damage to you. Make a habit of using your lantern on you whenever you are about to engage or be engaged, as it shields you and any ally near it.

Look around the guide for more details on how to utilize your tools.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DemonicCriminal
DemonicCriminal Thresh Guide
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