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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
The build up is "basic" build but you can change it by taking more damage like changing Guardian Angel to Void Staff or go more Tankier changing Zhonya's Hourglass to Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Q Crescent Strike
Diana unleashes a bolt of lunar energy, dealing magic damage in an arc. Crescent Strike afflicts enemies struck with Moonlight, revealing them for 3 seconds.
Diana creates three orbiting spheres that last up to 4 seconds and detonate on contact, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies. She also gains a temporary shield that absorbs damage. This shield is refreshed if all three spheres detonate.
Diana draws in all nearby enemies and slows them for 2 seconds.
Diana becomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, teleporting to an enemy and dealing magic damage.
Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to teleport to an enemy afflicted with Moonlight, and will consume all active Moonlight debuffs.
Diana unleashes a bolt of lunar energy, dealing magic damage in an arc. Crescent Strike afflicts enemies struck with Moonlight, revealing them for 3 seconds.
- Poke,farm,harass ability, max first
Diana creates three orbiting spheres that last up to 4 seconds and detonate on contact, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies. She also gains a temporary shield that absorbs damage. This shield is refreshed if all three spheres detonate.
- this is your' shield/sustain absorbion, use always before trading
Diana draws in all nearby enemies and slows them for 2 seconds.
- This is you'r only CC ability, great at teamfights for aoe dmg like Leona 's Solar Flare, fully utility spell.
Diana becomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, teleporting to an enemy and dealing magic damage.
Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to teleport to an enemy afflicted with Moonlight, and will consume all active Moonlight debuffs.
- This ult is just like Akali's Shadow Dance but it has no CD with Q
- Use the cooldown going part if you know you will get the kill.
Jungling diana is IF you need more Ap dmg, or you dont have enough burst or no assassins what are really good especailly mid/lategame when they can get ad carry easily in seconds Example Talon or Akali or even few wierder champs like Kassadin Ahri or even Rengar with his ult and amazing burst damage
- Strong shield
- Not many counterpicks
- Can't be fully shutted down like Amumu
- Molility And Safeness with R and E
- Melee (easy harass)
- Sustain laners make you feel really bad
- EXPLODES if you go in first in team fights (Squishy)
This is one of the weaknesses of diana cause shes melee and has fairly big mana costs at the start, if you can you can get you'r wraiths just using Crescent Strike and Pale Cascade with 3 auto attacks so you can farm without taking any harass from enemy mid lane champion who is usually ranged.
Thank you for reading this short guide for Diana The most broken champion in my opinion in league at the moment!
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