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Ashe Build Guide by VIllavicencio

AD Carry Duelist Ashe

AD Carry Duelist Ashe

Updated on March 10, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VIllavicencio Build Guide By VIllavicencio 3,718 Views 0 Comments
3,718 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author VIllavicencio Ashe Build Guide By VIllavicencio Updated on March 10, 2016
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I used this particular build to climb my way out of Bronze 5 to Silver 5.
It's great in this era of bruisers and tanks. I don't fear anything because of the amount of health I can recover, the amount of damage I can mitigate, And constant crowd control with a built in slow through auto attacking.
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Pros / Cons

- Damage mitigation
- Percentage damage
- Constant critical strikes
- Escape options

- Gold heavy
- Poor damage W
- No hard engages in lane phase.
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Unique Skills

Constant slow and kiting:

At higher levels once the slow on your auto attacks is maxed Garens and Tryndameres won't bother you. Turn around and hit them with a Volley to slow them down and Auto attack every once in a while to build focus. Once the focus is built turn and burn. Garens may peel the first slow off with his Q. Tryndamere can slow you down as well. Master yi is unaffected by slows when he is using his ultimate.
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Farming and Lane Phase

Try not to use your volley to farm, save mana for your ultimate. Last hit only and try and wait the lane out and poke. Remember to keep your stacks up on Ranger's Focus and when you can safely engage or land 3 shots on an enemy champion that's when to activate Q. Ashe's attack range can safely trade with most AD carries and supports. Remember to let the relic users last hit siege minions and shield minions (When their passive is up). Use your hawkshot cross jungle to maximize your vision and to track the progress of the enemy jungler and give yourself vision for auto attacks.
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Mid Game

At this point you should have an infinity edge and some decent boots at the minimum. Use the next few waves to start building a zeal into a phantom dancer. Careful of roving bands of enemy champions between lanes. Hawkshot becomes more useful at this point to watch for dragon and Baron attempts. Props to the person who snipes a kill at enemy red to transfer red buff to themselves. Or to the guy who steals dragon with Enchanted Crystal Arrow splash damage. Use hawk shot to spot enemies on their side of the jungle when making attempts on dragon and baron. Hawkshot's reveal distance is wide enough to cover both sides of Golems to watch for intruders.
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End Game

You should be able to kite most enemy champions and win most duels at this point. Enough life steal and damage reduction to skimp by against burst mages and such. MR glyphs and mercurial saber should be enough in those situations. Lifesteal and percentage damage for bruisers. Attack speed for tower destruction. If you get this far with an overwhelming lead you may substitute your final item with a Guardian Angel to further damage reduction and mop up on the second life in team fights.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VIllavicencio
VIllavicencio Ashe Guide
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Duelist Ashe

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