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Elise General Guide by Girismine

AP Offtank Elise, Feed My Children

AP Offtank Elise, Feed My Children

Updated on April 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Girismine Build Guide By Girismine 1,700 Views 0 Comments
1,700 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Girismine Elise Build Guide By Girismine Updated on April 20, 2013
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Hello, my name is Girismine and I'd like to talk to you about Elise. Elise is probably one of my favorite champions at the moment, and I just love her kit so much. As we go on, I'll get more into detail like why I chose what I chose, and my gameplay.
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Pros and Cons

The pros of Elise in my opinion, are that she has pretty high mobility, she can sustain in lane pretty well, high burst and sustained damage, and she can fit almost any roll on a team. The cons of Elise would be she doesn't have a strong early game, in my experience you almost have to do good laning phase to transition to that deadly mid/late game Elise.
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As Elise, early game as with almost any champion I focus on farming, as level 1 Q isn't the best for harassing. Once you get to level 4 you can start zoning and harassing your enemy with q, continuously widdling down your opponent, either going in for the kill or just forcing them to back. Always, always, ALWAYS have your lane warded. I cannot stress enough how important wards are, you should always buy some when you go back. Once you get your Haunting Guise or Liandry's, you can start comboing people to half health or more, if you play right. The main combo most people go is E, Q, W, R, W, Q. That alone does tons of damage and the enemies should fear you. Mid game is usually when I start roaming, whether that's in their jungle, or to Mid Lane. Denying their jungler not only helps you, but your whole entire team as well, since their jungler has to catch up in gold and EXP in the jungle, rather than ganking. Late game Elise is probably the most fun, because you're so tanky with this build, if their team is distracted with yours, you can Rappel onto the AD Carry, and do work with them, once you're finished destroying their ADC you can transition onto the AP Carry while your team secures a teamfight.
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Other Options for Summoner Spells, or Masteries.

For other Summoner Spells, I would recommend Exhaust, or Teleport, they can both be beneficial to your lane, and can still help in teamfights. Other Masteries you could go could be 21/0/9, 21/9/0, 0/21/9, 0/9/21. I just like the comfort of being tanky and withstanding damage in lane.
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Well, that was my guide on Elise, hope you learned something, or thought about maybe getting Elise! This was my first guide and I thought it went over pretty well. Have fun!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Girismine
Girismine Elise Guide
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Elise, Feed My Children

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