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Renata Glasc Build Guide by epiz0n

Support epizon - [13.3] Renata Glasc Support

Support epizon - [13.3] Renata Glasc Support

Updated on February 17, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author epiz0n Build Guide By epiz0n 15 1 54,443 Views 1 Comments
15 1 54,443 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author epiz0n Renata Glasc Build Guide By epiz0n Updated on February 17, 2023
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1 2 3 4
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Font of Life

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

epizon - [13.3] Renata Glasc Support

By epiz0n


Damaging an enemy champion with an ability hurls a comet at their location, or if Arcane Comet is on cooldown, reduces its remaining cooldown. Her cooldowns are VERY long, on every single spell, so any extra damage is welcome. Also we can easier to winning the laning.

This rune is particularly helpful because her spells cost a lot and our item build does not have much mana regeneration.

Her cooldowns are very long, on every single spell thats why we must take this rune.

Lane dominance. Better poke.

For a secondary runes you can go:


Grants 5% Heal and shield power.
Outgoing healing and outgoing shielding are increased by 10% on targets below 40% of their maximum health.
Incoming healing, incoming shielding, self healing and self shielding are increased by 10% while you are below 40% of your maximum health.

Slowing or Stun immobilizing an enemy champion marks them for 4 seconds. Allied champions (excluding you) who basic attack marked enemies heal for 5 (+ 1% of your maximum health) over 1.75 seconds.

You can also take this rune. After taking damage from an enemy Champion, the next 3 spells or attacks you receive from the same enemy champion deal 30 − 60 (based on level) less damage. This is good when you play vs poke enemy bot.


Bonus true damage to enemy champions affected by certain crowd control effects.


Ghost poro or If you're play more aggressive take Zombie Ward.
Gain 1.2 bonus Attack Damage or 2 Ability Power (Adaptive) for every Ghost Poro spawned and when your Ghost Poro spots an enemy champion, up to 10 stacks, for a maximum of 12 bonus Attack Damage or 20 Ability Power (Adaptive).


Gain bonus movement speed. Helps set up for a basic E ---> Q combo.

Take this if you have problem with mana in lane.


Renata has a lot of CC in her kit. Provides a ton of lane control and is very easy to prok with Q.

Is simply the best option in this row. If you build Zhonya it is perfect choice. Anyway, this is free 250 gold.

Helps us get to our item spikes a little fast before opponents

PASSIVE: Gain 18 summoner spell haste and 10 item haste. Good synergizes with Solari, Redemption or Mikael's.

Always take:

+8 Ability Haste

+9 Ability Force

+6 Armor


The best spells on Renata.

Take only when adc take "Ignite" or "Heal" .


Passive Ability: Leverage

Renata Glasc’s basic attacks mark her enemies and deal bonus damage. Damage from Renata’s allies consumes the mark, dealing additional damage.

Q: Handshake

Renata Glasc sends out a missile from her robotic arm that roots the first enemy hit. She can reactivate the ability to throw the enemy in a target direction, damaging enemies hit and stunning them if the thrown target is a champion.

W: Bailout

Renata Glasc grants an allied champion or herself ramping Attack Speed and Move Speed toward enemies. If the ally gets a takedown on an enemy champion, the buff duration resets. If the ally would die while Bailout is still active, their health is set back to full but they begin burning to death over 3 seconds. The ally can stop the burn by getting a champion takedown before they die.

E: Loyalty Program

Renata Glasc sends out chemtech rockets that shield allies and damage and slow enemies they pass through. The rockets also apply their effects around her on cast and in an explosion at max range.

R: Hostile Takeover

Renata Glasc sends out a cloud of chemicals that causes enemies to go Berserk, increasing their Attack Speed and forcing them to basic attack anything around them. Berserk enemies prioritize attacking their own allies, then neutral units, then Renata Glasc's team, then Renata Glasc herself.

Early game
On level 1 you have strong shield and good damage.
In the early game, you are supposed to poke enemies as much as you can.
Remember Renata's abilities are definitely
strong but the downside is the long length of her cooldowns.
When you use your E the shield will often help you avoid taking any damage yourself.
Renata can also shield her ally with both portions of the E.
On level 2 take Q. Use it to push one of the enemy bot laners into the other for more damage and a short stun or
pull them towards you and then cast your E.
At level 3 take W. You can now turn most fights with this skill.
Make sure your cast it on your ally as soon as they're about to die because
you don't want the effect to run out causing your ally to just die.
In general, look to trade as often as possible and all-in if you can hit the double stun.
Try to poke and make them waste their summoner spells or even basic potions.
When you get 6 level enemy never can kill you or your adc under your tower.
Remember Hostile Takeover have long cast and slow travel time.
Use this when the enemy engages onto you or the enemy jungler ganks you.
Mid game
When the lane phase is over we can create some good team fights.
You should position around your carry but stand in front instead of behind.
Your team have an advantage with your ultimate and your W.
Remember when dragon start to spawn make sure you have vision by placing a ward in the pit.
When you upgrade your support item you have free wards. Make sure you use full potential of this and as well
as buying a decent amount of Control Wards.
Your R is a primary engage/disengage tool.
On teamfight ake sure you position yourself well so that you can hit as much as you can enemy.
Remember that this skill it's very slow! Go on practice tool and practise this ability.
Make sure you use your W on the ally you think will be killed and will be the most useful in a fight.
Late game
Vision is key, ward objectives and focus on landing a good ultimate.
Remember to stay close on your your best player in the team.
Be sure you use your unbalanced skill W.
Generally, you want to ward up around objectives and try to help your team.
When you use R be sure this skill hit enemy who have the most dmg.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author epiz0n
epiz0n Renata Glasc Guide
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epizon - [13.3] Renata Glasc Support

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