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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Always go Flash + Green pet
Mosstomper Smite
Ability Order Max Q-W-E
Mark of the Kindred (PASSIVE)
Kindred Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
I would recommend banning this champion.
Champion Build Guide
The Itemisation
First of all, I want to say the Berserkers Greaves is a complete bait item on Kindred. Buy Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads depending on your Jungle matchup.
In 14.16 BOTRK was nerfed for ranged champs losing 325 gold value. Hence, the only viable first items left is Trinity and Kraken (Also nerfed).
For a while the crit build has been prtty bad, but due to the E buffs on 14.17 the crit build has returned!
On-Hit: Trinity is the most solid 1st item on Kindred right now, good build.
I use this build when I need these kinds of items into enemy team, Ex early armor pen, movespeed, and tenacity.
The only reasons for not building these 3 items is if you are up against a full AD team with little to no CC. Then you skip Wit's end and go Cleaver second. The other scenario is if you desperately need any of the situational items. Which will slot in as your 4th and 5th item.
CRIT: The first 3 itms are the same everygame. Then in 90% of my games I go rapidfire into BT or Shieldbow if against assassins or high burst comps. The last 2 items can be swapped out for any of the situational items below.
In 14.16 BOTRK was nerfed for ranged champs losing 325 gold value. Hence, the only viable first items left is Trinity and Kraken (Also nerfed).
For a while the crit build has been prtty bad, but due to the E buffs on 14.17 the crit build has returned!
On-Hit: Trinity is the most solid 1st item on Kindred right now, good build.
I use this build when I need these kinds of items into enemy team, Ex early armor pen, movespeed, and tenacity.
The only reasons for not building these 3 items is if you are up against a full AD team with little to no CC. Then you skip Wit's end and go Cleaver second. The other scenario is if you desperately need any of the situational items. Which will slot in as your 4th and 5th item.
CRIT: The first 3 itms are the same everygame. Then in 90% of my games I go rapidfire into BT or Shieldbow if against assassins or high burst comps. The last 2 items can be swapped out for any of the situational items below.
Loading Screen And LVL 1-4
1:1 In the loading screen look at every champion in the game. Decide what items you will build.
2:1 In In the loading screen look at every lane 1v1 and 2v2. You need to know how the lanes *should* play out in the first 3 levels. What way will the lane be pushing? Where will you have prio / not have prio. And where do your / enemy team have kill preassure? But most importantly, look at your jungle opponent, who will be stronger levels 1-4? You will need to take this information into account when you think about fighting early. If there is anything you dont know, write it down and look it up after the game so you know it untill next time,though I will help you further down the guide with your jungle matchups.
2:2 (Example scenarios)
Lets say you have a Riven vs an enemy Renekton toplane, lets also say both have ignite so it is a very volitile lane. You decide to play for toplane early. Riven is stronger lvl 1-2 and after that Renekton is stronger until lvl 6. Lets say that you are playing redside, and you ward enemy blue lvl 1. You start rd buff and you see the enemy jungler starting top aswell. Since you know that Riven is stronger lvl 1-2 you know it is safe to lvl 2 invade the enemy jungler and kill them on their Gromp right after you took red buff. But lets say that the enemy jungler starts bot side this time, you know you win a fight early, so you might think about lvl 3 invading them on their blue buff after clearing your entire top quadrant. Be mindfull now that toplaners have hit lvl 3 and you will no longer have top prio for the invade, which make it risky. I also want to add that if you play against a jungler weaker earlygame than you, you can gank freely. But If you play into a Xin Zhao for example, you need to track them and NOT gank a lane on the side of the map he is on. For example, if you want to gank the Riven vs Renekton, you need to know Xin is botside first, because if he is topside and sees you ganking, he might countergank, and Renekton Xin will win the 2v2. Think like this for midlane and botlane aswell and add yourself and the enemy jungler.
3:1 The information prviously mentioned will decide your pathing. And as Kindred, it is more important now than ever to play your first levels as optimal as possible in order to carry the game. 99% of people reading this will not now how a 1v1 between Kindred and every other jungler will be lvl 2-3. I have done all the dirty work for you and will provide a full list below on Kindred vs Every jungler in the game in the earlygame.
2:1 In In the loading screen look at every lane 1v1 and 2v2. You need to know how the lanes *should* play out in the first 3 levels. What way will the lane be pushing? Where will you have prio / not have prio. And where do your / enemy team have kill preassure? But most importantly, look at your jungle opponent, who will be stronger levels 1-4? You will need to take this information into account when you think about fighting early. If there is anything you dont know, write it down and look it up after the game so you know it untill next time,though I will help you further down the guide with your jungle matchups.
2:2 (Example scenarios)
Lets say you have a Riven vs an enemy Renekton toplane, lets also say both have ignite so it is a very volitile lane. You decide to play for toplane early. Riven is stronger lvl 1-2 and after that Renekton is stronger until lvl 6. Lets say that you are playing redside, and you ward enemy blue lvl 1. You start rd buff and you see the enemy jungler starting top aswell. Since you know that Riven is stronger lvl 1-2 you know it is safe to lvl 2 invade the enemy jungler and kill them on their Gromp right after you took red buff. But lets say that the enemy jungler starts bot side this time, you know you win a fight early, so you might think about lvl 3 invading them on their blue buff after clearing your entire top quadrant. Be mindfull now that toplaners have hit lvl 3 and you will no longer have top prio for the invade, which make it risky. I also want to add that if you play against a jungler weaker earlygame than you, you can gank freely. But If you play into a Xin Zhao for example, you need to track them and NOT gank a lane on the side of the map he is on. For example, if you want to gank the Riven vs Renekton, you need to know Xin is botside first, because if he is topside and sees you ganking, he might countergank, and Renekton Xin will win the 2v2. Think like this for midlane and botlane aswell and add yourself and the enemy jungler.
3:1 The information prviously mentioned will decide your pathing. And as Kindred, it is more important now than ever to play your first levels as optimal as possible in order to carry the game. 99% of people reading this will not now how a 1v1 between Kindred and every other jungler will be lvl 2-3. I have done all the dirty work for you and will provide a full list below on Kindred vs Every jungler in the game in the earlygame.
Kindred vs All Junglers
3:2 Kindred vs EVERY Jungler Earlygame
Amumu: You win vs Amumu with a lot of health to spare on a lvl 2 invade, you will catch him at a low-hp gromp or just as he started wolves depending on leashes. You also win a lvl 3 invade, though this time it is important to dodge the bandage tosses to spare hp. You usually kill him with about 300 HP left.
Bel veth:
Diana: Due to Dianas fast clearing you will catch her at wolves if you do a lvl 2 invade, but you outpower quite a lot early so the 1v1 is easy. At lvl 3 it just gets easier.
Evelynn: Evelynn clears quite slow early so you ill catch her on gromp as long as she gets a leash and you dont. You kill her within seconds and there is no way she kills you lvl 1-5. The lvl 2 and lvl 3 invades are very easy, and you can invade her lvl 3 without lane prio since it will only take 2-3 autoattacks + a Q for you to kill her.
Kayn: Kayn is extremely weak pre 6. Dodge his abilities and the 1v1s 1-5 are very easy, even if he hits you you are probably fine.
Kha zix:
Lee sin:
Maokai: He deals no damage early, at lvl 2 he is extra low hp, you win any 1v1 early on invades.
Master yi:
Nocturne:Nocturne is a strong earlygame jungler. At a lvl 2 invade you should catch him at a 400-300 HP gromp. If you get the smite steal you win and live by roughly 150 Hp. At a lvl 3 invade you hard stomp Nocturne. You should be able to clear your rdside and get a ward on his buff about 4 seconds before he arrive. Smitesteal the camp and you win with 500-600 health left.
Rammus:You win very hard versus Rammus early, at lvl 2 you will catch him at a Gromp that has about 200-300 hp. You easily kill lvl 2 since he will be low and the lvl 3 you outpower even more since you got your E.
Rengar:He is super squishy early, he can not kill you. You kill him within seconds and there is no way he kills you lvl 1-5 as long as you dont make huge mistake. The lvl 2 and lvl 3 invades are very easy, and you can invade him lvl 3 without lane prio since it will only take 2-3 autoattacks + a Q for you to kill him.
Trundle: Trundle is a very strong earlygame champion, but you win the lvl 2 invade. You will catch him at wolves and they will have about 700 HP left for you to smite and steal. The lvl 3 is even easier to win as you just Q over his E to space him if neeeded.
Warick: Warwick is a very strong earlygame champion, but you win the lvl 2 invade. You will catch him at wolves and they will have about 200 HP left for you to smite and steal. The lvl 3 is even easier to win, he will be surprisingly low and you stack your E with 3 autos for a easy kill.
Xin Zhao:
Amumu: You win vs Amumu with a lot of health to spare on a lvl 2 invade, you will catch him at a low-hp gromp or just as he started wolves depending on leashes. You also win a lvl 3 invade, though this time it is important to dodge the bandage tosses to spare hp. You usually kill him with about 300 HP left.
Bel veth:
Diana: Due to Dianas fast clearing you will catch her at wolves if you do a lvl 2 invade, but you outpower quite a lot early so the 1v1 is easy. At lvl 3 it just gets easier.
Evelynn: Evelynn clears quite slow early so you ill catch her on gromp as long as she gets a leash and you dont. You kill her within seconds and there is no way she kills you lvl 1-5. The lvl 2 and lvl 3 invades are very easy, and you can invade her lvl 3 without lane prio since it will only take 2-3 autoattacks + a Q for you to kill her.
Kayn: Kayn is extremely weak pre 6. Dodge his abilities and the 1v1s 1-5 are very easy, even if he hits you you are probably fine.
Kha zix:
Lee sin:
Maokai: He deals no damage early, at lvl 2 he is extra low hp, you win any 1v1 early on invades.
Master yi:
Nocturne:Nocturne is a strong earlygame jungler. At a lvl 2 invade you should catch him at a 400-300 HP gromp. If you get the smite steal you win and live by roughly 150 Hp. At a lvl 3 invade you hard stomp Nocturne. You should be able to clear your rdside and get a ward on his buff about 4 seconds before he arrive. Smitesteal the camp and you win with 500-600 health left.
Rammus:You win very hard versus Rammus early, at lvl 2 you will catch him at a Gromp that has about 200-300 hp. You easily kill lvl 2 since he will be low and the lvl 3 you outpower even more since you got your E.
Rengar:He is super squishy early, he can not kill you. You kill him within seconds and there is no way he kills you lvl 1-5 as long as you dont make huge mistake. The lvl 2 and lvl 3 invades are very easy, and you can invade him lvl 3 without lane prio since it will only take 2-3 autoattacks + a Q for you to kill him.
Trundle: Trundle is a very strong earlygame champion, but you win the lvl 2 invade. You will catch him at wolves and they will have about 700 HP left for you to smite and steal. The lvl 3 is even easier to win as you just Q over his E to space him if neeeded.
Warick: Warwick is a very strong earlygame champion, but you win the lvl 2 invade. You will catch him at wolves and they will have about 200 HP left for you to smite and steal. The lvl 3 is even easier to win, he will be surprisingly low and you stack your E with 3 autos for a easy kill.
Xin Zhao:
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