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The only thing really stopping you is his ultimate
He can easily grab your adc and cc them negating damage or grab you and it basically makes it an adc 1v1
Loads of burst to your adc directly and his ultimate can be devastating
He can't really stop you
After 5-10 minutes you will have to much lane dominance. He can silence you out of your jump but that's about it.
The only thing she can do is shut down an engage if she hits you airborne while channeling or uses her ultimate
Can't really do anything to stop you from engaging or isolate your adc besides her root.
She can easily lock down you or your adc at the wrong time. Play around cooldowns in this matchup
Just not the best at her job. Can really only polymorph and heal
Will pretty much destroy you if she gets a lead. You won't be able to overcome her with MR if she builds a void staff. This is my go to ban
If you dodge her skill shot she is almost useless. However, a good player won't really miss. She can lock down your adc fairly easily
Your utility is much more valuable in fights than hers. You will win if you dodge her stun and kill before she heals
In the group of hard cc. Can quickly shut down your plans and lock up your adc
His stun is good if he gets a hook opportunity. Play back until you are ready to jump in. His ultimate is pretty bad if you have your cell division up
She starts out better than you but you can live you scale harder with items. As long as you dodge her cc you will survive. Your hard engage will be her biggest weakness
The hard engage you have can shut her down pretty easily. Just get a lead and fight a lot
Poke can be annoying but you can kill her in one big engage
He can catch your adc if he is good but after a while you can kill him after a few trades or if he steps in the wrong spot. Just be careful of his ultimate as it will make him incredibly hard to kill
As long as you dodge the hook you can out tank him
An off meta support but he can use his cage to stop the jump and just burst you. A hard matchup since there will be two damage dealers
Can engage super easily since it is basically one champ combined with her adc
Don't get poked out and you will be fine
Very frustrating matchup. Her plans can poke you so far down that you can't fight. Her ultimate will hit both you and your adc. Don't give her a lead since her zoning will never let you take it back.
You can both hide in the bush and get massive cheese. You E and jump into the bot lane while twitch turns invisible and all ins them. Almost guarantees you a kill if the opponent is isolated. Not recommended for a 2v2.
His high burst will combo well with your short duration cc. You can all in super easily after you are ahead
You can both hide in the bush and get massive cheese. You E and jump into the bot lane while twitch turns invisible and all ins them. Almost guarantees you a kill if the opponent is isolated. Not recommended for a 2v2.
His high burst will combo well with your short duration cc. You can all in super easily after you are ahead
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