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Fizz Build Guide by commandotaco

Assassin FIZZ **** TROLLPOLE

Assassin FIZZ **** TROLLPOLE

Updated on November 9, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author commandotaco Build Guide By commandotaco 3,461 Views 0 Comments
3,461 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author commandotaco Fizz Build Guide By commandotaco Updated on November 9, 2013
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Fizz is a mobile-roaming-ad or ap-assasin-damage-thing. He goes everywhere and disrupts places. Start with the top turret, and roam to the windmill after. Fight over there, take the shield in the middle, and roam around to help eveywhere. Be like a jungler of dominion, but without taking any minions. Try to take the kills for the snowball potential over others. Your purpose is just to help everywhere and take objectives.
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Pros / Cons

PROS: Very high Mobility, high damage, CC and AOE, snowballing, low cooldowns

CONS: SQUISHY!!!, Can be shut down from snowballing, Mana problems very early, high cooldowns early
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Team Work

Assasinate the carrys and ult to CC more than one person. Try to dodge spells with your trollpole.
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Creeping / Jungling

Dont realy farm much in dominion...
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Fizz is a roaming jungler of dominion. He is good at everything and just helps everybody. He has high damage, mobility, CC, Aoe and basically everything. Very strong pick in dominion.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author commandotaco
commandotaco Fizz Guide
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