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Pantheon Build Guide by nonameneeded

AD Offtank Freezing Pantheon Build

AD Offtank Freezing Pantheon Build

Updated on November 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nonameneeded Build Guide By nonameneeded 1,731 Views 0 Comments
1,731 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author nonameneeded Pantheon Build Guide By nonameneeded Updated on November 25, 2013
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Hello summoners,today I bring you with my first guide on this site: Freezing Pantheon. The concept of the build is to be tanky while simultaneously sticking onto the opponent with no problem. This build provides you with damage,survivability and most importantly: Stickiness. Yes,we all know that pantheon benefits so much from just flat AD,but I think that this build has great potential as you will still be doing a good amount of damage,while also being usefull in teamfights, rather than just killing 1 guy then dying. I put my mastery points like that so you can have damage and tankyness,while being generally safe in the laning phase. I took the hybrid pen runes and mastery because early on,you will be using your W in your combos and since it does magic damage,i figured you might as well do a little more. The hybrid pen will make a diffrence,just trust me,so without further ado, lets get on with the guide.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nonameneeded
nonameneeded Pantheon Guide
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