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Starting on the bottom, I always start red buff, and then make my way to blue buff. Kha'Zix has very good damage even at lvl 2 so you can definitely clear the blue buff and gromp without popping a heal, if you clear krugs you will have enough to back for Stalkers Blade.
Starting on the top, you start blue buff, clear gromp and move to red. ward the bush next to red buff to see if anyone is coming to your buff, because the buff is not worth first blood, or giving a kill to the enemy jungler. Then go to your krugs, and you should have approximately 650 gold which gives you enough for stalkers blade. Your health will be low so you will have to back.
Starting on the top, you start blue buff, clear gromp and move to red. ward the bush next to red buff to see if anyone is coming to your buff, because the buff is not worth first blood, or giving a kill to the enemy jungler. Then go to your krugs, and you should have approximately 650 gold which gives you enough for stalkers blade. Your health will be low so you will have to back.
#1 Things not to do with Kha'Zix in the beginning.
Do not go for invades on enemy buffs because you don't have you e to escape, and your flash is way too important to waste at lvl 1.
If you see someone overextended at lvl 1 hiding in a bush or anything, do NOT engage against them because you are vulnerable to teamates coming to team up on you.
If you get behind early, don't gank and just farm in the jungle because your ganks are pretty much useless once you are underleveled.
Kha'Zix ganks are honestly one of the scariest in the game. Once you hit lvl 3, your best route of ganking is going to be to gank top immediately. If you don't kill the top laner it will still be a huge advantage to your top laner and will hopefully allow them to start snowballing early. Whenever you gank, you always use your e, q, and w to prock your thunderlords. A good Kha'Zix player will dive towers to get the kill. And if you don't think you will make it out alive because you wasted your e, don't hesitate to use flash.
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