You can keep pushing the wave and recalling above half health before he gets his first item. After he gets an item or two he becomes really difficult to shut down since you cant dodge his skills and he can distance you away from him.
Try to use your R on him when he is trying to push you back with his hammer as your R is unstoppable and then try all in him with your Q E and W.
Aurelion Sol
Outranges you and can continuously poke at you. His ability to destroy any wave just by using his E and holding Q makes it tough to splitpush against him.
Save your R after he uses his W to fly away so you can close the gap and then all in him.
Her constant DPS and ability to push you back and go invisible is a counter to your kit.
Best way to deal with her is to either wait out her ult or using R when she tries to push you back with her cc.
Aatrox can't really beat you at all since you beat him at all ins, short trades, or let him somehow do his full combo on you consistently.
Play as per normal and then outscale him.
Her smoke is a direct counter to your auto attacks.
She has really high damage even without as much items and is quite scary midgame.
Try to bait out her smoke and all in her.
Fiora beats basically all melee toplaners. She can beat you in damage and survivability due to her kit and does not always need to hit her vitals to beat you.
Best way to beat her is to fight her when she has low mana and hope she runs out, no way else you are winning unless you are super ahead and she is playing poorly.
Even though he has his counterstrike, you can easily beat him while in dragon form.
Watch out for his lethal tempo and passive in early trades and try to always auto + Q him whenever he tries going for minions in the early game.
You lose all ins against him, similar to Jax.
However, he does not have a dash so when you outscale him lategame you can most likely beat him even when he stacks up his noxian might and Rs you.
Try to fight him when he is under half health and dodge his Q to make him hopeless.
Just dodge his Q and he can't do much.
You win him in all ins and short trades.
You can chase him down and kill him very fast.
During all ins, wait for her to damage you first to proc her passive shield. Proceed to all in after her shield goes down.
If she goes divine sunderer, try to not dragon form unless you have to since she heals more from you because of divine sunderer when you gain more max health.
Dr. Mundo
Stand behind minions to not get Q on early game.
You outscale and should be able to beat him just by all ins.
Building one antiheal item basically makes him less of a champion.
Can beat you if he goes full damage and spins you into a R.
Use W or dragon form to escape when he is about to silence you into a E.
You win him in all ins if he has no E or R.
You beat him easily by just pushing the wave constantly.
You can destroy his barrels easier than he can as your Q counts as 2 autos.
Beat him just by destroying his barrels whenever you can and one shot him if he tries going glass Cannon build.
You cannot lose unless he hits all pieces of his combo. Even then you usually should have just enough armor and magic resist from your passive and stats to R out of the lane when he almost kills you.
After landing phase you just destroy towers and ignore him.
Make sure you damage him enough to make him hop off Skarl.
Then proceed to gap close him with W ghost or R and try to all in him before he gets Skarl back.
Shouldn't be that hard unless he is ahead and even then you beat him lategame.
Ignore his poke and keep pushing.
Always keep your distance when he has megaform.
All in him and chase him down when he is overpushed in regular mini form.
Stand behind minions to not get hit by her E.
If she uses her R, always run away and wait out the duration.
Without her ultimate she can't beat you in an all in.
Tough matchup since he can constantly push you away when you try to all in or escape with his dash.
Try to predict his R with your unstoppable dragon form to beat him.
Dodge her Q's and all in constantly.
You beat her if she doesn't hit her Qs to heal.
If he ults you, just fly away with dragon or just continue to all in him, he can't really beat you with or without ult.
Keep pushing to ensure your minions do decrease in health due to her minions so she cannot dash to them casually.
You beat her in all ins once reaching power spikes.
Her R and penetration is annoying to deal with.
Use dragon form only to close the gap if she tries running away and make sure to wait out her ultimate.
Able to steal your W or ghost movement speed to run away. Can't kill you but you can't kill him.
Difficult but somehow predict his ult with your own ult.
You beat him in all ins and outscale him.
Only use R if he Rs you or you need to close the gap when he is low.
Just R away from him when he uses his R and all in him after.
Able to beat you with short trades. Try to fight him whenever his cooldowns are used.
You outscale him easily and eventually you can even beat him in short trades but before 2 items it is very tough.
Very difficult to deal with him before your item spike.
Always dodge his W middle line and run away when his grit is high.
Able to beat her if she is on par on items.
Is not as hard as other matchups as she is a all in type of champ and you excel at all ins.
try to dodge his flip and stand in a way that does not let him use all his gun positions on you.
Overall, it is a skill matchup.
Just all in him till he is low, then when he ults, run away with W and dragon away after he spins at you, then kill him. Can be tough if he is fed but you should be able to not let him get fed.
Surprisingly tough. Always try to run with W as soon as you see him use his Q to chase you as he most likely will lead it into a E. If he ults, just dragon form away and wait for his ult to end.
If he ults, just dragon form away.
Can't lose to him in all-ins unless he somehow tricks you into using E on his clone.
The only issue with nasus is his cripple, other than that you should always beat all ins even when he ults you.
Tahm Kench
His sustain is insane and you let him Q you constantly you are gonna lose.
Always stand behind minions while fighting him to not get hit by Q and you should not lose any fights unless you dive under turret.
He can't really beat you in all ins and as long as you dodge his easy-to-dodge skill shot you will not ever die in the lane.
Do note that you can use your Q to break his wall very fast if needed.
You beat him as long as you use your E and constantly auto him to death.
You can escape his R if you time your dragon form.
Always don't be scared to fight him as your burst from titanic hydra Q will kill him when he is under 25% health.
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