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Ability Order
Get Excited! (PASSIVE)
Jinx Passive Ability
Intro Thing
This is also the first guide I've made and I know its kind of bad.
So you want to get AD Marks because of the fact that you are an AD Carry. Take Attack speed runes because you da best and da best requires more Attack Speed. Get yourself some armor runes to protect yourself from the not as good adc on the other team. And magic resist because of your squishy for magic. So yeah use those runes and you are good for that part.
Take Fury because of the attack speed bonus it gives.
Have a gander over at Fresh Blood. You can take this or Feast.
Either one here is fine. Vamprism for survival or Natural Talent for damage.
Bounty hunter for the extra damage for killing more people.
Battering Blows is an obvious choice because you don't use magic, besides your E.
Now the keystone. Even if you read the top you know what it is already. Fervor of Battle is what you want.
Now onto your second set of masteries.
First take either Savagery or Explorer. So if you can't last hit or you can.
Then take secret stash because you shouldn't be wandering alone in the first place unless your team is aced, and it is good for early game sustain.
Have Merciless. Self explanitory.
Finally I want you to get Dangerous game for your chance of surviving and getting a multi-kill.
Have a gander over at Fresh Blood. You can take this or Feast.
Either one here is fine. Vamprism for survival or Natural Talent for damage.
Bounty hunter for the extra damage for killing more people.
Battering Blows is an obvious choice because you don't use magic, besides your E.
Now the keystone. Even if you read the top you know what it is already. Fervor of Battle is what you want.
Now onto your second set of masteries.
First take either Savagery or Explorer. So if you can't last hit or you can.
Then take secret stash because you shouldn't be wandering alone in the first place unless your team is aced, and it is good for early game sustain.
Have Merciless. Self explanitory.
Finally I want you to get Dangerous game for your chance of surviving and getting a multi-kill.
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