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Pantheon Build Guide by Joachid

Other Get Sh!t Done - CDR Panth Build

Other Get Sh!t Done - CDR Panth Build

Updated on March 3, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Joachid Build Guide By Joachid 5,157 Views 0 Comments
5,157 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Joachid Pantheon Build Guide By Joachid Updated on March 3, 2014
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Hi All!

Welcome to my CDR Pantheon build. This guide is designed to compliment Pantheon's early game strengths through lowered Cool-down times, increased Armor Penetration, and scalable damage to compensate late-game fade. Pantheon's skill set allows for a unique blend of raw power with strong stun and gap-close flavors. When executed well, few can match up to his early game run.
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Pros / Cons

-Extremely strong early game
-Good stun allows for maximum channeled damage output at early levels...(game-changer pre-10)
-Massive gap close/ganks/assistance with long-ranged ultimate

-Interruptible ultimate
-Trails off late-game...(Get your kills in early)
-Heavily mana dependent to churn out damage
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Skill Sequence

Your number one priority in early game is to load points heavily into Heartseeker. This deals extra damage to champions in its range. Coupled with your Aegis jump/stun, Heartseeker will allow you to close large gaps while putting out deceptively large amounts of damage to your target at early levels. Throw in an Ignite tick and a Spear Shot -- you'll have assured kills no later than Level 4.

Heartseeker is also a critical part of your kill clean-up. Don't forget that the passive causes your Spear Shot to auto-crit on any target under 15% health. Your Aegis/Heartseeker combo will almost chunk for 35-50% of your targets health, making Spear Shot a viable execute ability.


Pre-Level 4, you'll want to do a little poking on your target before initiating a full-on attack. The core of his attack rotation is:

- Q - Spear Shot to open
- W - Aegis
- Ignite...(Whenever available)
- Q - Spear Shot

Beyond this point, your Aegis cool-down will last longer than Heartseeker/Spear Shot. Use these as available.

As emphasized above, Heartseeker's effectiveness is significantly reduced when you do not allow for a full channel of the attack to complete. SIT STILL - EVEN WHEN YOU'RE GETTING ATTACKED. Your Aegis will hold them in place long enough to complete the full cast time without any fuss, and it is hands down your biggest DPS output.
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Unique Skills

Worth noting - Pantheon's passive allows him to build up stacks on his basic attacks. When the stacks reach 3, he gains a shield that will absorb the next attack thrown his way...(including Turrets!. As well, using your Aegis ability immediately refreshes the passive shield protection.

Use this to your advantage - Being able to absorb two turret shots and not take damage?...The level 2 tower-dives are real.

Enjoy, and have fun!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Joachid
Joachid Pantheon Guide
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Get Sh!t Done - CDR Panth Build

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