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Gnar Build Guide by Gnars Nipples

AD Offtank Gnar's Jungle S6. Dps duelist

AD Offtank Gnar's Jungle S6. Dps duelist

Updated on March 28, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gnars Nipples Build Guide By Gnars Nipples 16,427 Views 0 Comments
16,427 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Gnars Nipples Gnar Build Guide By Gnars Nipples Updated on March 28, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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You are not a troll.

This season is much more accepting of non-meta picks, but you still might get yelled at. Just be nice back.
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The whole idea about this build is that you attack... fast.
Every 3rd hit does % hp damage, and gives you 30% ms. Nice dude, nice.
On top of that, your BORK does too. You are a kiting tank breaker.

I recommend this order. Sated -> BORK -> tank -> hurricane.
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The Jungle

This is the important part.

Top side team:
Just start golems.

Bot side team:
Go for the invade. Let them know you are confident, and they are unlikely to try to counter jg you. With ms from w, and slow from exhaust, you pack a punch. Go golems after.

1st camp: GOLEMS ONLY. Golems are slow, dumb, and have a nice buff. Every 3'rd hit you get nice ms, and every 6th, they are stunned. You can take no damage, even without a leashe

2nd camp: Red. Its right there, and goodness, red is slow and dumb too. Take e 2nd and you can stun, kite, and jump over red. You can get through it without much damage.

3rd camp: Wrathes. They pack a punch, but you got a good amount of rage built up. W stun all 4, stun with golem buff. stomp on all 4. Kill the little ones, and kill big. You now have 50% hp.

4th camp? I recommend taking scuttle, potion, ganking. But you can proceed to wolves if you want.

Blue buff: Slowest and dumbest. you can take it with 0 damage. However, you don't need blue, so you might like to give it up to a teammate.

Toad: Ow, ow ow. Don't do it without smite.
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Ganks: pretty straight forward.

I recommend you don't start a gank with q or e. Make sure you q when you can land it, and use e to jump over them and body block to slow.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gnars Nipples
Gnars Nipples Gnar Guide
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Gnar's Jungle S6. Dps duelist

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