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Ability Order
Salvation (PASSIVE)
Soraka Passive Ability
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Ranged, Support (Secondary: Mage)
Soraka is a champion who heals. She is known as the passive type and can heal you a LOT with her W Astral Blessing, and also the global heal Wish which heals everyone in the team. Soraka can also donate Mana to you, with her E Infuse.
Soraka's health and mana restoring abilities are 1% more powerful for every 2% of the target's missing health or mana.
ACTIVE: Soraka summons a shower of stars to fall from the sky, striking all nearby enemy units within range for magic damage and reducing their magic resistance by 6 (+1% AP) for 5 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times.
If Starcall hits at least one enemy champion, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced by a percentage of its base cooldown (after factoring in cooldown reduction).
ACTIVE: Soraka blesses a friendly unit, restoring health and granting them bonus armor for 2 seconds.
ALLY CHAMPION CAST: Soraka drains 5% of her maximum mana to restore mana to her target ally.
Soraka cannot use Infuse on herself or ally champions who do not require mana.
ENEMY CAST: Soraka silences the target and deals magic damage to them.
Soraka fills her allies with hope, restoring health to herself and all friendly champions. Wish can affect untargetable allies.
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