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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Only suggestions
Season 7 has begun, and with it, many changes have been made to the game. The purpose of this guide is to show you the most effective way to play Vayne in the current meta.
VAYNE is medium-ranged Marksman who is one of the best duellist in the game.I played in gold elo with Vayne and its so easy to win.I make this build every game and its works. As I said in the head if you're gold elo player you should do this. Thank you in advance for looking at my guide.
VAYNE is medium-ranged Marksman who is one of the best duellist in the game.I played in gold elo with Vayne and its so easy to win.I make this build every game and its works. As I said in the head if you're gold elo player you should do this. Thank you in advance for looking at my guide.
Night Hunter is Vayne's passive ability. It allows her to chase down targets in situations other Marksmen wouldn't be able to.
Tumble(Q) is what makes Vayne the mobile, skill-shot dodging machine that she is. It is great not only for kiting but also has great synergy with her passive,Night Hunter, making escaping from Vayne very hard indeed.
Silver Bolts(W) are what makes Vayne the late-game terror which she is. The true damage (damage which does a fixed amount no matter what resistances the enemy has) shreds anybody, no matter how tanky they are. It will activate automatically every three stacks. Stacks are acquired by either auto-attacking or attacking with Tumble or Condemn.
Condemn(E) is Vayne's crowd-control (CC) ability. It pushes an enemy away from and applies a stack of Silver Bolts. If used correctly (by knocking the enemy back into terrain) it also stuns the enemy for 1.5 seconds. When used against an opponent with a shorter attack range it can also be used simply as a way to create distance between you and your opponent (without worrying about needing to stun them).
Using Condemn properly is important. If used incorrectly it can save your enemies by pushing them away to safety.
Final Hour(R) is Vayne's ultimate ability. Final Hour significantly improve DPS, allows Vayne to temporarily go invisible and increases the movement speed bonus from her passive. In team fights, it's important not to use your ultimate prematurely. A good Vayne player will assess the situation to see whether they can simply use it to provide higher DPS, or whether they'll need it to duel an enemy. Early on in the game Final Hour doesn't have a particularly long duration, so in events such as a team fight to contest the dragon it is important that you learn when the right time to activate your ultimate is. Attack speed items work very well with Final Hour as the more you auto-attack while it is active, the more amount of times you get to apply the bonus Attack Damage provided.
Using Tumble while Final Hour is active provides Vayne with stealth for up to 1 second (remember that if you attack before the second is up, it will cancel your stealth prematurely). Her stealth is very much a part of what makes Vayne such a great duellist, which is why learning how to use it properly is a skill any good Vayne player needs to master.
Night Hunter is Vayne's passive ability. It allows her to chase down targets in situations other Marksmen wouldn't be able to.
Tumble(Q) is what makes Vayne the mobile, skill-shot dodging machine that she is. It is great not only for kiting but also has great synergy with her passive,Night Hunter, making escaping from Vayne very hard indeed.
Silver Bolts(W) are what makes Vayne the late-game terror which she is. The true damage (damage which does a fixed amount no matter what resistances the enemy has) shreds anybody, no matter how tanky they are. It will activate automatically every three stacks. Stacks are acquired by either auto-attacking or attacking with Tumble or Condemn.
Condemn(E) is Vayne's crowd-control (CC) ability. It pushes an enemy away from and applies a stack of Silver Bolts. If used correctly (by knocking the enemy back into terrain) it also stuns the enemy for 1.5 seconds. When used against an opponent with a shorter attack range it can also be used simply as a way to create distance between you and your opponent (without worrying about needing to stun them).
Using Condemn properly is important. If used incorrectly it can save your enemies by pushing them away to safety.
Final Hour(R) is Vayne's ultimate ability. Final Hour significantly improve DPS, allows Vayne to temporarily go invisible and increases the movement speed bonus from her passive. In team fights, it's important not to use your ultimate prematurely. A good Vayne player will assess the situation to see whether they can simply use it to provide higher DPS, or whether they'll need it to duel an enemy. Early on in the game Final Hour doesn't have a particularly long duration, so in events such as a team fight to contest the dragon it is important that you learn when the right time to activate your ultimate is. Attack speed items work very well with Final Hour as the more you auto-attack while it is active, the more amount of times you get to apply the bonus Attack Damage provided.
Using Tumble while Final Hour is active provides Vayne with stealth for up to 1 second (remember that if you attack before the second is up, it will cancel your stealth prematurely). Her stealth is very much a part of what makes Vayne such a great duellist, which is why learning how to use it properly is a skill any good Vayne player needs to master.
Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed are the go-to Quintessence on pretty much every ADC right now. They synergise especially well with Vayne as it helps to proc her Silver Bolts. Greater Quintessence of Life Steal used to be popular for ADCs, however since they were nerfed and Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed were buffed, people generally don't take lifesteal any-more
Taking 9 Greater Mark of Attack Damage allows Vayne to last hit more easily, trade more in her favour, and be generally stronger, particularly early in the game.
Taking 9 Greater Seal of Armor is very strong on any Marksman. Flat armor will increase your survivability, especially early game.
Taking 9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist Greater Glyph of Magic Resist provides you with helpful magic resistance very early on. This will reduce your damage taken from not only enemy supports, but also from other ADCs who deal magic damage such as Ezreal and Kog'Maw.
Heal is the go-to summoner spell to compliment Flash. The 30% movement speed bonus it provides is very helpful in both escaping and pursuing, and the fact that it lets you heal a team-mate makes it a very strong option. Heal is an overall better option than Barrier, which has seen some popularity in earlier metas in most situations.
Flash should be taken 100% of the time on any ADC as it is currently an irreplaceable summoner spell. The mobility it offers for both offensive and defensive situations makes it an essential part of your kit.
Heal is the go-to summoner spell to compliment Flash. The 30% movement speed bonus it provides is very helpful in both escaping and pursuing, and the fact that it lets you heal a team-mate makes it a very strong option. Heal is an overall better option than Barrier, which has seen some popularity in earlier metas in most situations.
Flash should be taken 100% of the time on any ADC as it is currently an irreplaceable summoner spell. The mobility it offers for both offensive and defensive situations makes it an essential part of your kit.
Vayne's early laning phase is particularly weak. This is undoubtedly her weakest stage of the game. During early laning phase avoid trading too often as unless you can either pull off a good Condemn which stuns the enemy or manage to get off a quick proc of your Silver Bolts you're unlikely to win the trade. Try to survive early laning phase by farming and waiting for your jungler to gank your lane. You should keep farming and farming to the level 6 in gold elo.The other team will try to kick you out from the game because Vayne is one of the strongest marksman.When you lost your lane in early game you can't complete any of your items to minute 15-20.You can stay under towers or the river side.Don't push to the other teams towers untill you're level 6.
Vayne's early laning phase is particularly weak. This is undoubtedly her weakest stage of the game. During early laning phase avoid trading too often as unless you can either pull off a good Condemn which stuns the enemy or manage to get off a quick proc of your Silver Bolts you're unlikely to win the trade. Try to survive early laning phase by farming and waiting for your jungler to gank your lane. You should keep farming and farming to the level 6 in gold elo.The other team will try to kick you out from the game because Vayne is one of the strongest marksman.When you lost your lane in early game you can't complete any of your items to minute 15-20.You can stay under towers or the river side.Don't push to the other teams towers untill you're level 6.
VAYNE is Marksman who has a particularly weak early-game, but when played correctly becomes an incredible late-game threat. Her high DPS and high mobility combine to make her one of the most potent late-game ADCs.
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