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Vladimir Build Guide by Cipher525

AP Offtank 'Gotta tank em' all!' - Vladimir Putin

AP Offtank 'Gotta tank em' all!' - Vladimir Putin

Updated on April 9, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cipher525 Build Guide By Cipher525 2,404 Views 0 Comments
2,404 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Cipher525 Vladimir Build Guide By Cipher525 Updated on April 9, 2014
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Early game (Pre-level 6)

Vladimir has exceptional sustain and farming/pushing power overall, so you can quite easily outlast your opponent and out level them. Your main focus is to farm and make sure to last hit every minion. If you see multiple last hits available, just use your E and you'll pick them up fast and easy. When sustaining with Q, try to take the blood from the opposing top laner instead of a minion, as not only will it regain your health, but you will also harass down your opponent and zone them out completely. Once you have zoned them out and pushed their to their turret, you are then free to go to take your jungler's wight camp (blue team) or golem camp (purple team) for the extra gold, make sure that you have at least half health and are level 4+ minimum, as both camps are generally dangerous for you in early game.

While in lane, never waste your Q cool down on minions, as it is your main source of damage in combat and will leave you open to engagement in early game, as your cooldowns are pretty high at this time.

Also, once you obtain your blood pool (W), make sure to only use it when your health is extremely low (in a 1v1 situation) to get the upper hand, as it takes health according to your current percentage, so the less health you have, the less it will use and the more health you will get back from it. A correctly used blood pool can turn the tides of any situation. Try not to use it to early though or waste it on farming, as the cooldown is quite big and wasting it can leave you open to ganks or engagement.
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Mid to late game

Once you are leaving the laning phase, it is important that you still make sure to farm up and get the gold you need for your build. My tanky vladimir build is quite expensive and you will generally need to be well farmed to make good use of it. Also, make sure to maintain your lead in levels, as this is your main advantage as vladimir. Vlad is one of the best lane AP pushers in the game, so this won't be too hard.

When fighting 1 on 1 or 1 on 2 situations, make sure to kite the enemy around with your rylais and furor. Focus your Q on the squishiest person and just spam your e like mad to keep up the stacks. Once they get a bit too close, let them trade damage with your Q and E's spell vamp and then once you think they are getting the upper hand, or are trying to run, blood pool to grab some rest for a while, spell vamp your health back and slow down any escaping enemies.
Blood pool (W) can be used for both escaping, turning, and engaging in teamfights.

Also, when combined with your Ultimate, you can turn on any opponent and surprise the with a quick burst of damage. Simply place your ultimate on them and then spam them with Q's and E's, and once you see the ultimate ending, quickly go into Blood pool form so that they can no longer damage you and so you can wait out until they die from your ultimate! Evil right?
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In teamfights, you want to be the centre of attention. So jumping in first and throwing out your E's and Q's is a good idea to grab their attention.

When engaging, make sure you land your ultimate on every memeber of the team and then jump in between them all so you can then maximize the use of your AoE E and W damage. Of course, as i said before, do not use your blood pool (W) until you are certain that you are about to die or they are about to run.

You are more or less the biggest tank in the team, regardless of your lack of armor or magic resist. Your abillity to sustain in a team fight is invaluable to the team and is worth more than any resurrection item or passive.
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When facing tanks

When facing tanky top laners like renekton, shyvanna, garen and nasus, just make sure to stay out of their range and kite them around. Most tank top laners are close range only, so you have the advantage. Make sure to keep running around them and spamming your Q and E. And if you can, bait them towards your minions when they are chasing to kill you and then disappear in your Blood Pool form (W) to regain your health and let the enemy take damage from both your minions and your life sucking power.

Overall, avoid coming into range with any close range champions, as this is your main advantage as a Vladimir top lane!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cipher525
Cipher525 Vladimir Guide
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'Gotta tank em' all!' - Vladimir Putin

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