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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Because Wilds Wilds is one of the most far-reaching non-global non-global abilities in the game, it can harass quite well. This makes Twisted Fate a good choice for the center lane. Although the projectiles move slowly, the cards' long range often takes the enemy by surprise. Additionally, projectiles, unlike many skill shots, will pass through minions and even deal damage to various targets they pass through.
With a bit of ability power, using the Red Card Red Card and Wild Cards Wild in a wave of minions makes Twisted Fate Twisted Fate almost unmatched at quickly pushing and clearing the lines.
Use this to ambush other lines with Fate Fate, as your minions will be pushing to ensure your turret is safe until you can return.
You can also try using the Red Card Red Card on a minion close to a champion to slow them down and use Wild Cards Wild to harass them.
Pick a Card Pick a Card has multiple uses. The Blue Card Blue Card can help Twisted Fate Twisted Fate stay in line longer as he quickly recovers mana. The Gold Card Gold Card is quite useful when chasing an enemy or for ambushing as it stuns the enemy it hits. The Red Card Red Card can help Twisted Fate Twisted Fate push, kill minions, gank or chase an enemy because it deals area damage and slows the enemy it hits. The area effect of the Red Card Red Card can be even more useful for defending allies or kite enemies than that of the Gold Card Gold Card as it hits multiple targets, especially when teams are fighting in tight spaces in the jungle. or at low levels when the duration of the Gold Card Gold Card is less than the duration of the Red Card Red Card.Knowledge of the map is the key to being able to use Destiny Destiny correctly. Look around the map carefully as you kill minions or roam the jungle for enemies.
Make sure to ping the targets in case your allies don't have the same map knowledge as you if you're planning on using Destiny Destiny! Twisted Fate Twisted Fate using Portal Portal against a single target is unlikely to work well, as the cooldown on Fate is quite long for a large portion of the game.
If a team match occurs and you used Portal Portal at a bad time, position, or all your allies died, it can be canceled using Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass.
In general it is a good idea to already have a card chosen by Choose a Card Choose a Card before using Destiny Destiny, especially if you are teleporting close to your enemy. You should choose the Gold Card Gold Card and then activate Destiny Destiny and its secondary effect, Portal Portal, to ambush an enemy. You can also use Pick a Card Pick a Card while channeling Portal Portal, allowing you to quickly use Portal Portal without having to spend time choosing the Gold Card Gold Card.
Make sure you don't use Pick a Card Pick a Card too quickly, if you run out of the Gold Card Gold Card while using Portal Portal, it will result in embarrassment and useless death.
Note that Fate Fate can explode your enemy's Banshee Veil Banshee Veil shield and this will also prevent them from being revealed by your ultimate (you can still use Portal Portal however). Which means that against a team that has a lot of Veils you can use Destiny Destiny to blow up their shields before a big team fight. Keep in mind that enemies who flee with low health will likely be protected by their allies who remain invisible by the mist, since they were not affected by your ultimate (and you will only know this after teleporting to kill them and being ganked by yourself). Coordinate with your allies the best time to use Destiny Destiny to ambush enemies.If there is no choice or in a pinch, try to either juke your enemy and then run into a bush, or stun your enemy with the Gold Card Gold Card. If you did, activate your ultimate and start teleporting away with Portal Portal. By the time the enemy has a chance to attack again, you should already be at a safe distance. This technique can work even without using the Gold Card Gold Card if you wait for your enemy to use all their crowd control first.
The main Twisted Fate Twisted Fate combo for online harassment is to activate the Gold Card Gold Card with all stacks of Trick Deck Trick Deck, enter attack range and stun the enemy, then follow with Wild Cards and walk away while the enemy deals to dodge the attack. Twisted Fate Twisted Fate can then use the Blue Card Blue Card to last hit the minions while regaining mana and do the combo again. This combo is not foolproof as enemies can see when Twisted Fate Twisted Fate is using Choose a Card Choose a Card and is ready to attack again, or use the short range that Twisted Fate Twisted Fate has to apply the effects of Choose a Card Choose a Card, and thus easily predict where it will move in order to hit skill shots.
Trick Deck Trick Deck gains a stack for each basic attack and deals extra damage on the fourth hit, but Pick a Card Pick a Card can vary this depending on the situation.
If Twisted Fate Twisted Fate has at least one point in Pick a Card Pick a Card and Trick Deck Trick Deck and cast a card modified by Pick a Card Pick a Card, different things can happen.
If Pick a Card Pick a Card kills its target on its own, then the Trick Deck upgrade Trick Deck would not be consumed or give it another stack.
If the attack is not strong enough to kill its target with just Pick a Card Pick a Card, then the Trick Deck upgrade Trick Deck would be consumed, dealing additional damage, or giving it another stack.If you are using an Ability Power build, Curse of the Liche Curse of the Liche is a good option because the scales of Twisted Fate Twisted Fate's abilities are quite low and will not deal much damage on their own until late game. Additionally, the combination of Curse of the Liche Curse of the Liche and Pick a Card Pick a Card ensure a lot of damage with a single basic attack.
Rabadon's Death Hat Rabadon's Death Hat is a must-have item for Twisted Fate Twisted Fate, as with all middle lane wizards. However, its passive makes it more viable as a second or third item, when other AP items have already been purchased and your Ability Power is high.
Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass is great item for Twisted Fate Twisted Fate AP
Provides a large amount of Ability Power to be able to climb with Rabadon's Death Hat Rabadon's Death Hat and the Curse of the Liche Curse of the Liche.
The armor it provides is probably very useful for the short range of Pick a Card Pick a Card, Twisted Fate Twisted Fate will have to get very close if it wants to stun enemies.
Your Active Skill: Stasis will give you a short period of time to wait for your skills to cool down and avoid damage taken.
Buying Twin Shadows Twin Shadows is not a bad idea with Twisted Fate Twisted Fate. It provides a moderate amount of Ability Power and incredible pursuit ability thanks to its active: Hunting and its Movement Speed bonus. Allows you to trap enemies and put yourself in range to use the Gold Card Gold Card.
Nashor's Tooth Nashor's Tooth can be useful with Twisted Fate Twisted Fate, as it provides Ability Power, Attack Speed, and cooldown reduction and has good synergy with Pick a Card Pick a Card and Trick Deck Trick Deck.
With a bit of ability power, using the Red Card Red Card and Wild Cards Wild in a wave of minions makes Twisted Fate Twisted Fate almost unmatched at quickly pushing and clearing the lines.
Use this to ambush other lines with Fate Fate, as your minions will be pushing to ensure your turret is safe until you can return.
You can also try using the Red Card Red Card on a minion close to a champion to slow them down and use Wild Cards Wild to harass them.
Pick a Card Pick a Card has multiple uses. The Blue Card Blue Card can help Twisted Fate Twisted Fate stay in line longer as he quickly recovers mana. The Gold Card Gold Card is quite useful when chasing an enemy or for ambushing as it stuns the enemy it hits. The Red Card Red Card can help Twisted Fate Twisted Fate push, kill minions, gank or chase an enemy because it deals area damage and slows the enemy it hits. The area effect of the Red Card Red Card can be even more useful for defending allies or kite enemies than that of the Gold Card Gold Card as it hits multiple targets, especially when teams are fighting in tight spaces in the jungle. or at low levels when the duration of the Gold Card Gold Card is less than the duration of the Red Card Red Card.Knowledge of the map is the key to being able to use Destiny Destiny correctly. Look around the map carefully as you kill minions or roam the jungle for enemies.
Make sure to ping the targets in case your allies don't have the same map knowledge as you if you're planning on using Destiny Destiny! Twisted Fate Twisted Fate using Portal Portal against a single target is unlikely to work well, as the cooldown on Fate is quite long for a large portion of the game.
If a team match occurs and you used Portal Portal at a bad time, position, or all your allies died, it can be canceled using Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass.
In general it is a good idea to already have a card chosen by Choose a Card Choose a Card before using Destiny Destiny, especially if you are teleporting close to your enemy. You should choose the Gold Card Gold Card and then activate Destiny Destiny and its secondary effect, Portal Portal, to ambush an enemy. You can also use Pick a Card Pick a Card while channeling Portal Portal, allowing you to quickly use Portal Portal without having to spend time choosing the Gold Card Gold Card.
Make sure you don't use Pick a Card Pick a Card too quickly, if you run out of the Gold Card Gold Card while using Portal Portal, it will result in embarrassment and useless death.
Note that Fate Fate can explode your enemy's Banshee Veil Banshee Veil shield and this will also prevent them from being revealed by your ultimate (you can still use Portal Portal however). Which means that against a team that has a lot of Veils you can use Destiny Destiny to blow up their shields before a big team fight. Keep in mind that enemies who flee with low health will likely be protected by their allies who remain invisible by the mist, since they were not affected by your ultimate (and you will only know this after teleporting to kill them and being ganked by yourself). Coordinate with your allies the best time to use Destiny Destiny to ambush enemies.If there is no choice or in a pinch, try to either juke your enemy and then run into a bush, or stun your enemy with the Gold Card Gold Card. If you did, activate your ultimate and start teleporting away with Portal Portal. By the time the enemy has a chance to attack again, you should already be at a safe distance. This technique can work even without using the Gold Card Gold Card if you wait for your enemy to use all their crowd control first.
The main Twisted Fate Twisted Fate combo for online harassment is to activate the Gold Card Gold Card with all stacks of Trick Deck Trick Deck, enter attack range and stun the enemy, then follow with Wild Cards and walk away while the enemy deals to dodge the attack. Twisted Fate Twisted Fate can then use the Blue Card Blue Card to last hit the minions while regaining mana and do the combo again. This combo is not foolproof as enemies can see when Twisted Fate Twisted Fate is using Choose a Card Choose a Card and is ready to attack again, or use the short range that Twisted Fate Twisted Fate has to apply the effects of Choose a Card Choose a Card, and thus easily predict where it will move in order to hit skill shots.
Trick Deck Trick Deck gains a stack for each basic attack and deals extra damage on the fourth hit, but Pick a Card Pick a Card can vary this depending on the situation.
If Twisted Fate Twisted Fate has at least one point in Pick a Card Pick a Card and Trick Deck Trick Deck and cast a card modified by Pick a Card Pick a Card, different things can happen.
If Pick a Card Pick a Card kills its target on its own, then the Trick Deck upgrade Trick Deck would not be consumed or give it another stack.
If the attack is not strong enough to kill its target with just Pick a Card Pick a Card, then the Trick Deck upgrade Trick Deck would be consumed, dealing additional damage, or giving it another stack.If you are using an Ability Power build, Curse of the Liche Curse of the Liche is a good option because the scales of Twisted Fate Twisted Fate's abilities are quite low and will not deal much damage on their own until late game. Additionally, the combination of Curse of the Liche Curse of the Liche and Pick a Card Pick a Card ensure a lot of damage with a single basic attack.
Rabadon's Death Hat Rabadon's Death Hat is a must-have item for Twisted Fate Twisted Fate, as with all middle lane wizards. However, its passive makes it more viable as a second or third item, when other AP items have already been purchased and your Ability Power is high.
Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass is great item for Twisted Fate Twisted Fate AP
Provides a large amount of Ability Power to be able to climb with Rabadon's Death Hat Rabadon's Death Hat and the Curse of the Liche Curse of the Liche.
The armor it provides is probably very useful for the short range of Pick a Card Pick a Card, Twisted Fate Twisted Fate will have to get very close if it wants to stun enemies.
Your Active Skill: Stasis will give you a short period of time to wait for your skills to cool down and avoid damage taken.
Buying Twin Shadows Twin Shadows is not a bad idea with Twisted Fate Twisted Fate. It provides a moderate amount of Ability Power and incredible pursuit ability thanks to its active: Hunting and its Movement Speed bonus. Allows you to trap enemies and put yourself in range to use the Gold Card Gold Card.
Nashor's Tooth Nashor's Tooth can be useful with Twisted Fate Twisted Fate, as it provides Ability Power, Attack Speed, and cooldown reduction and has good synergy with Pick a Card Pick a Card and Trick Deck Trick Deck.
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