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Senna Build Guide by Hanjaro

Support Hanjaro's Senna, Supporting Your Way To Challenger

Support Hanjaro's Senna, Supporting Your Way To Challenger

Updated on October 30, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro Build Guide By Hanjaro 1127 72 3,059,083 Views 11 Comments
1127 72 3,059,083 Views 11 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro Senna Build Guide By Hanjaro Updated on October 30, 2023
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Fleet Footwork
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Biscuit Delivery
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
I started playing League in Season 1, towards the end of the season. Since the beginning I was a support main, I enjoyed the 2v2 dynamics much more than 1v1s so I've stuck with it throughout my league career. I have achieved the rank of challenger at multiple points during seasons 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, and continue to push for the highest elo I can get. I love competitive games and have yet to find anything for me that compares to League.
Aside from League, I am a happily married man, father of 2 kids and I am a beloved pet owner. If you guys have any questions about my guides, champions or really anything in general, feel free to stop by my stream!

Why Senna?

Senna is a special, marksman support who excels in dealing damage like an ADC, while supporting her allies with heals, camouflage, and global shields. She is adaptable in her builds, allowing her to go for more damage output, or concentrate on utilizing her supportive side. Senna's passive has infinite scaling, so the longer the game, the more deadly she becomes!

If you enjoy playing, or want to learn more about Senna, you can read and discuss more over at

Flash is taken as your primary escape summoner, and is especially valuable on immobile champions. Flash allows you to make clutch escapes, or to get in range for that last auto of a dying enemy.

Heal can be used to save a life when low on health and under attack. It is commonly used to get an early first blood by healing oneself for more than one's opponent expects.

Exhaust is used when there are high damage threats on the enemy team, such as Zed, Kayn, Draven etc
It gives you an extra chance at escaping with the damage reduction, as well as the slow it provides. The damage reduction can be used to negate all in damage, from something like a Zed's Death Mark.

Fleet Footwork is the best rune for Senna as after building 100 stacks, your next auto attack heals you and provides you with movement speed, which is useful to chase down the enemy target or to trade effectively in lane.

Presence of Mind increases your mana regen for 4s after attacking an enemy, and takedowns restore 15% of your maximum mana, meaning we can keep trading for longer and restoring mana to use our Piercing Darkness.

As an auto attack focused champion, Legend: Alacrity means we can attack faster, which increases our damage output and also plays in to our other runes such as Presence of Mind's mana regen.

As squishy as an ADC, Senna generally has less max health than a lot of other champions, and Cut Down means we can take on tanks easier as well.

Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will restore 8% of your missing health and mana, and also increase your mana cap permanently by 50 per biscuit consumed, or sold. You gain a total of 3 by 6 minutes into the game, meaning you can sustain in lane longer.

Approach Velocity helps us run down enemies that are movement impaired, which works with our Piercing Darkness slow, and our Last Embrace root.

Attack speed and adaptive force are always your best choice, increasing your damage and healing. Your defensive stat shard is dependable on what kind of team comp you end up facing.



Boots of swiftness > MOVEMENT SPEED
Senna has no mobility in her kit that helps her catch up to her allies, or escape death, and outside of Mobility Boots, Boots of Swiftness offer the next best percentage of movement speed. They also reduce the effects of slows, making it easier to escape.

Mercury's Treads > TENACITY
If the enemy team has a lot of CC, or a lot of AP damage, you can trade Boots of Swiftness out for these. They offer +25 magic resist, along with reducing the effect of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds and immobilizes by 30%.

Plated Steelcaps > ARMOR
If the enemy team has a lot of physical damage threats, and you need some extra survivability as Senna is squishy, Plated Steelcaps's are the way to go, offering 20 armor, and reducing incoming basic attacks by 12%. You're no use dead, these help you stay alive!

is the best mythic item for Senna, providing her with AD, ability haste, and lethality. It causes your abilities to add a significant amount of additional damage to the following auto attack after using 2 abilities in quick succession (AA into Piercing Darkness, and you also gain a shield, which helps with her survivability.

Rapid Firecannon > DAMAGE
In the early game, Senna's attack range is quite low (increased by Absolution. To counter this, we can purchase Rapid Firecannon against the longer ranged ADC's such as Caitlyn. The longer the game goes on, and the more we stack our passive, the Rapid Firecannon provides us with an extra burst of damage. The increased attack range isn't consumed by collecting our souls, so you can continue to do so safely.

Umbral Glaive > DAMAGE/UTILITY
Umbral Glaive gives AD, lethality and ability haste, whilst having one of the most broken passives in the game. When you are spotted by an enemy ward, it reveals all wards around you and you have increased damage to wards. This really ups a supports vision game and provides you significant map control.

Mortal Reminder > DAMAGE/UTILITY
If the enemy team has champions who heal at lot such as Soraka, Yuumi or Vladimir, you can buy Mortal Reminder for the grievous wounds it provides.

Guardian Angel > SURVIVABILITY
Increased damage, along with an extra 40 armour is just a bonus compared to Guardian Angel's passive, which revives you when taking lethal damage. A good item to take when there is an assassin on the enemy comp that is going to be diving the backline, or lethal AoE damage.


Absolution (Passive)

INNATE -WEAKENED SOUL: Senna's attacks on enemy champions apply Mist for 4 seconds. Senna's next attack collects the Mist and deals 1% − 16% (based on level) of target's current health bonus physical damage. The same target cannot be collected more than once every few seconds.

Enemy champions, large minions and large monsters that die near Senna spawn a Mist Wraith for 8 seconds. Epic monsters spawn 2 Mist Wraiths instead. Small minions and lesser monsters have a 20% chance to spawn Mist Wraiths, reduced to 2.7% chance on those that Senna kills. Senna can basic attack a Mist Wraith to destroy it, gaining 3 Gold and collecting its Mist.

ABSOLUTION: Each stack of Mist grants Senna 0.75 bonus attack damage. For every 20 stacks, Senna also gains 20 bonus range and 10% critical strike chance. Upon exceeding 100% critical strike chance, Senna converts 35% of the excess into life steal.

RELIC CANNON: Senna does not gain attack damage through growth, her basic attack wind-up is only reduced by 0.6% per 1% bonus attack speed, and her critical strikes deal only 30% AD bonus physical damage, but her basic attacks deal 20% AD bonus physical damage and grant her 10 / 15 / 20% of the target's movement speed as bonus movement speed for 0.5 seconds.

Piercing Darkness

Piercing Darkness (Q)

RANGE: Senna's current range
COST: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 MANA
COOLDOWN: 15 seconds
ACTIVE: Senna fires a spectral laser in the direction of the target unit, healing allied champions hit, and dealing physical damage to non-ward enemies hit by the center of the laser. Enemy champions hit take on-hit effects.
  • Mist Wraith's struck by the beam are collected for Senna.
  • Basic attacks reduce Piercing Darkness' cooldown by 1 second.
  • Valid targets also include Wards, Turrets, and Jungle plants.

Last Embrace

Last Embrace (W)

RANGE: 1175
COST: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 MANA
COOLDOWN: 11 seconds
ACTIVE: Senna throws a globule of Black Mist in the target direction, dealing physical damage and sticking onto the first enemy hit.

After a 1 second delay or when the target dies, the Black Mist spreads out of the target, rooting them and nearby enemies for 1.25/1.50/1.75/2/2.25 seconds

Curse of the Black Mist

Curse of the Black Mist (E)

COST: 70 mana
COOLDOWN: 26 / 24.5 / 23 / 21.5 / 20

STEALTH DURATION: 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8
ACTIVE: Senna surrounds herself with an aura of mist for a duration. The mist grants camouflage to Senna and allied champions inside, as well as a Wraith Form that lasts for the remaining duration. Senna's basic attacks and abilities will briefly break her out of camouflage.

Wraith Form: Gain 20% bonus movement speed and appear as an obscured wraith to enemies beyond 150 units. Performing a basic attack or casting an ability removes Wraith Form, which cannot be regained for 2 seconds.
  • Wraith Form replaces the model of the champion, rendering it indistinguishable from other champions in Wraith Form.

Dawning Shadow

Dawning Shadow (R)

RANGE: Global
COST: 100 mana
COOLDOWN: 140 / 120 / 100
ACTIVE: Senna fires a broad beam of spectral light in the target direction, granting sight of the area, dealing physical damage to enemy champions hit by the center of the beam and afflicting them with Mist.

SANCTUARY: Senna and allied champions caught in any part of the area are shielded for 3 seconds.

Early Game

Senna's early game is about harassing the enemy, while keeping a safe distance, and using Last Embrace to set up kills.

You want to take Spectral Sickle, and Piercing Darkness as your first ability. You can take Last Embrace if you and your team are coordinating a level 1 invade. It's easy to set up if another member of your team has hard CC, as you do have a delay before the root happens.

Piercing Darkness is your main harass, and heal tool. You can use it on nearly everything that is targetable, including Zyra plants. It's range is longer than the hitbox, so you can safely pick up your Mist Wraiths if you can't get in auto range of them, and you can also target minions that enemies are hiding behind, to get off some safe harass. Piercing Darkness is your main ability you want to max first, followed by Last Embrace, into Curse of the Black Mist, and Dawning Shadow as it becomes available.

As Senna, you want to be picking up as many Mist Wraith's as possible during the laning phase. Mist Wraith's will always drop from a cannon, dead enemies and monsters such as the Red Buff and Dragons. These increase your attack range infinitely.

Your main combo is Last Embrace > AA > Piercing Darkness > AA and follow up with Dawning Shadow if you need to help finish off the enemy - such as if they Flash out of the way. Much like Soraka, level 6 and onwards, you want to be paying attention to the map for good Dawning Shadow snipes, enabling you to get kills and assists globally.

Pay attention to the option of roaming, helping out your jungler and always make sure you have wards in your river to be aware of any incoming ganks, and use your Curse of the Black Mist to help you and your ally safely escape.

Mid - Late Game

Mid - late game you want to be keeping a close eye on the minimap, trying to find good opportunities to be casting your ult and saving an ally, and/or sniping an enemy. Stick close by to your strongest team member or ADC, preparing to save them from being picked off, or turning a fight around with Piercing Darkness. Last Embrace can hold an enemy in place for long enough for your team to arrive and clean up the fight (hopefully).

You can use Dawning Shadow, and then Flash during the animation, creating a clutch escape for yourself if you're at risk of dying.

By this point, you should have stacked up enough of your passive to be outranging turrets, which really helps your team to push easier, as you will do a significant amount of damage to the turret.

During teamfights, you want to be positioned at the back, away from the enemies (your range will allow it), while still being able to support your team with heavy healing, damage and shielding. You can use Last Embrace on any enemy that comes close, and you can also use it on a minion for the instant root.

The main thing to be aware of, is making sure your teams threats stay alive, while removing, or zoning, the enemy teams threats.

You'll want to be sticking close to your ADC, while roaming efficiently and safely as possible to place deep wards. You have the advantage of high movement speed on your side, use it!

Control Ward's are a staple part of any support, both to deny your enemies vision, and to provide your team extra vision. You should make sure to buy one at least every time you back, preferably to have 2 on you at all times.

I hope you enjoyed, and learned enough from my Senna guide, to play her as well as the pro's.

If you enjoyed my guide, you can check out my other guides here, in which I've covered more styles of supports, incase you want to branch out on supports such as engagers ( Nautilus, Pyke etc!).

If you're interested in seeing more of me, please follow my stream! I stream every day. I play a wide variety of supports, and I am always engaging with my stream chat.
  • 14/09/2023 - Revamped guide.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro
Hanjaro Senna Guide
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Hanjaro's Senna, Supporting Your Way To Challenger

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