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Nunu & Willump Build Guide by ThebestGP

Top Hey you with the pretty face

Top Hey you with the pretty face

Updated on November 3, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThebestGP Build Guide By ThebestGP 16,772 Views 2 Comments
16,772 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ThebestGP Nunu & Willump Build Guide By ThebestGP Updated on November 3, 2018
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Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating

Perfect Timing
Cosmic Insight


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hi names TheButLicker and your about to read a guide to the easiest win in lane of your life. I didn't say game because that's going to require more work. Anyways I specialize in tanky top laners and ap burst mages, but for this guide we are going to be focused on a more tanky nunu than ap. Why? Because you don't want to troll your team and actually get out of silver .... cough cough or bronze, you know who I'm talking to. Also ap nunu is going to require you to use more than 2 percent of your brain power and who got time for that. So since noone actually wants to use more brain power than needed to climb, I have devised this simple and easy guide to playing top tank nunu. Remeber no matter how much you read of this guide, copy the item builds, or runes, you still need to have solid fundamentals of macro play. You can win lane all you want, but it doesn't mean your going to win the game. Nunu carry requires more thought and is more execution heavy than most of the cast. Your not going to burst anyone, your not gonna heavy crazy cc and your not gonna heavy optimal peel in long sections of battle. Position and actually landing w or pealing your carries will be your way to victory.
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Grasp is going to be your main go to rune because most of your items that you will be buying early go into health building increase the damage of grasp and giving you a higher healing count from your Q. You can always build after shock, this will have you lose the ability to be more of a lane bully, but the trade will be worth it in team fight. [After shock] can be proced off your Q and E, but [after shock] will play a minor roll in lane as your q gives you way more sustain than a boost of armor and magic resist.
Bone Plating is taken simply because it makes you tankier. It is more of a lane bully tool to show you can take more damage than your opponent. Late game this rune falls off, but your taking this for the same reason you took grasp, you don't got time to think about outplaying your opponent. On the other had if you are more team oriented and want a little boost in that department, take Font of Life. Since you are most likely going to be the front line of your team, you should take as many runes and items that increase the survivability of your crew.
unlike the other runes in this page, conditioning is taken for more of the late game over early game bully. You can take chrysalis, but the extra damage from chrysalis will not benefit you in anyway late game. Nine attack or fifteen ability based on adaptive will not benefit you, because none of the equipment you purchase will go into scaling your ap or ad. Conditioning on the other hand gives you eight armor and magic resist which doesn't mean ****. What is the real important of conditioning is the five percent boost on armor and magic resist, that is 5 mr or armor for every 100 stacks you have on. Nunu's Q and Bone plating should be all the you need for sustaining lane, but if your really that afraid take second wind because it scales with your character and is not a flat boost like chrysalis.
You take this because it increases the amount of health you will recieve in late game by your q. Also your ultimate Scales on health, not the damage but the shield. You can get around four to five thousand max health on a full build with it.
Your are playing a top laner, for some reason everyone hates the top laner. Wards are limited and must be placed sparingly. Lower tiers are jumpy and will always try to dive you with there greedy little eyes. Having perfect timing can either give you the perfect comeback against an aggressive top laner or be a waste of item slot. Learn when to use it and use it more of an aggressive bait rather than a source of surviving a gank, you only have one chance.
Cooldowns is important especially when your w is more than a twenty second cooldowns. Your not gonna have much chances to land a stun or pop in a fight due to long cooldowns, so might as well lower it so you have multiple cc in late game scenarios.
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Details of the lane

Unlike Jax or Yi, the laning phase is not a make it or break it situation. No one is going to tower dive you because you fed early game and are now two levels under. Why you ask? because Nunu Q can sustain in lane no matter the situation as long as you can time it right. executing a minion over casting Q on an opposing champion is always your number one priority. Casting Q on a minion causes Nunu to Gain about twenty percent of his max health meaning you should be able to stay in lane and push your opponent out of lane causing you to gain more levels. Don't be afraid to auto the minions because pushing wave gives you opportunities to leave lane and gank other lanes or steal jungle. Cast W to travel faster into middle lane to cause more pressure for the opposing mid laner, while you do this, it forces top laner to try to push top lane, but even if you miss the gank, you can just w back into lane and crash into minions pushing back the lane to the enemy side. While nunu top your priority becomes more important than just winning lane, you are nunu to win objectives. Since you are top you have opportunities to take scuttles or even purple buff quicker than any jungler out there. Take advantage of Q and explore your enemies jungle when your opponite tries to freeze lane. Nunu may not be a powerful damage booster to your team, he does do large amounts of damage to monsters. Stealing monsters can cause meta junglers like nocturne to lose levels as they are heavy farm champs.
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When it comes to warding, it can be a difficult situation. You have to ask your self as Nunu, am I warding for myself or my team. These questions can usually be answered by the kind of champs your opponent has chosen or the sudden ganks they may be doing. Either way you have to understand the jungle to beat the jungle. Understand clear times of your opponent and what would be there most optimal route to gain the items for there certain champs. This is were alot of low tier players take the route of I'm warding so I dont't die and thats fine, but your not trading or gaining advantages off that style of warding. No intellectual thought was made and your playing for a long game. To start off, ward on opponents minion camps and use your minimap to determine where your opponent will be heading next. Try to leave the lane and see if you can confront your opponent in there jungle and steal there gold. If not, try to delay them from taking the minion, remember your nunu, u don't scale harder, but you do scale faster. Even causing a delay in the jungle can be an advantage to your team. Remember your not trying to kill anyone in jungle your trying to gather data. Make sure this is done quickly as laning phase does not last long in this scuttle crab meta. Oh yea you don't have to ward around scuttle crab since its a big indication that jungle will probably be there anyways. Try herding your team into doing collapsing jungle plays as you probably wont do enough damage to kill the champion. For defense warding i would just ward purple for objective power. Also always grab pinks and try to place it in enemy territory. seventy five gold is not going to kill you.
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Team fighting

Team fighting can be the most difficult part of playing nunu since he doesn't have a kill button like nocturne or an instant stun like sej. Catching a whole group of people can be difficult as W needs time to build up and E takes a while to detonate. Most of the time you will be trying to defend your damage and that is why you are buying support based items. Save W to pop up an character that is trying to engage your adc or use it to stop channeling. Never use it as a kill tool and rarely use it as an initiating tool because that would require your team to follow up. Having your team follow up is incredibly hard in solo que. If you do try to use W as an initiating tool, calculate the distance away your team will be because your speed is a lot faster than you team while rolling the snowball. This may cause you to end up doing a 1v5 instead of a 5v5. Also be weary of champs like heim or zyra as there plants and turrets count as walls and will stop your snowball.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThebestGP
ThebestGP Nunu & Willump Guide
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Hey you with the pretty face

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