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Sion Build Guide by Spectralunicorn1

Support Hi, I'm bronze and this is how I stomp as support.

Support Hi, I'm bronze and this is how I stomp as support.

Updated on January 16, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spectralunicorn1 Build Guide By Spectralunicorn1 2,389 Views 0 Comments
2,389 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Spectralunicorn1 Sion Build Guide By Spectralunicorn1 Updated on January 16, 2018
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Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Font of Life
Second Wind


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hi, I'm Spectralunicorn1 from NA, I'm a support main, and I play a lot of tanks. I've noticed that over time as my supporting years have come by, I find it less and less fun. This build is what keeps the game fun for me. Killing *****es, smacking the hoes. This is somewhat a low-elo strat, so it might not be in your taste. Without further delay, lets go into it.
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How this works

All you gotta do, is just E the **** outta the opposing lane early. Harass at every opportunity. If you carry a high damage ADC, like jhin or draven, you're better off. Your E allows you to lower their armor if hit raw, (20% or so), or overall make them take more damage if hit with a minion. (Good for a shield combo.) Most people aren't a problem, except for few that can out-range you or have a high enough sustain to stay alive. Personally, I have no trouble with healers. Sona and soraka are squish, so 3-4 E's with a minion quickly drains them.
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Counters and what to do.

Like I said, anyone who can out-range or out-sustain you is a huge problem. Braum and thresh may be very troublesome problems, because they have the ability to deal out a lot of engagement damage, and sustain your harass fairly well. ADCs like Ashe or Ezreal may show to be a problem as well. Ashe can constantly harass with a slow, and ezreal out-ranges you when you're without minions. The only solution to a huge counter is to run, cry, and gank other lanes. Seriously, not much else you can do if you ADC/JG/you can't take them down in a tag-team slamdown.
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Why the fuck do you do any of what this says

Lets break down our runes.

First, Arcane comet. If that isn't apparent then get out, if you're questioning it then I will personally smite you.

Manaflow Band- Free mana, free harass. Easy peasy.

Transcendence- You can either go it, or celerity. It's all up to you.

Scorch- Free harass bb.

Font of life- Free sustain for slowing ****.

Second wind- Free sustain, because god knows you're gonna get harassed.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spectralunicorn1
Spectralunicorn1 Sion Guide
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Hi, I'm bronze and this is how I stomp as support.

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